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"Hey wake up!."

"Wake up damn it, we need to get out of here."

These are the voices that I heard while my mind was still processing the reality.

"Oh Meldy! Good lord, what happened?!." I asked as I opened my eyes.

"There's someone outside holding a spear I think he's looking for someone, let's get out of here while we still can" She said.

We immediately packed everything and escaped in the backdoor of the pharmacy.

"Where are we going now?." She asked.

"I don't know anywhere except here." I replied.

As we walked away from the pharmacy, we rested and ate lunch. While eating I realized that there's a strong smell of burning plastic or tire from a distance. I followed the smell and found a group of young boys of 3 around 11 to 12 years of age, melting a plastic from a monobloc chair and dripping it to an old weak man.

"Those punks!." Meldy said.

"Calm down, let's not involve ourselves in their mess." I replied.

While doing such horrifying act, the young fellows are all laughing, all laughing like a maniac.

"You know old man, Before this happened I used to hate you because of how nosy you are in my life, back then I can't hurt you because my dad is there to protect you, but now that they're gone, I'm gonna let you suffer here on earth first before going to hell!." The boy said.

Then after what he said, once again together with his peers, they lit the monobloc chair in fire and dripped the melted plastic to the weak old man's back. Then afterwards one of them took out the bat and bashed it straight to the old weak man's head.

"Ok that's it." I said as my soul is burning from pain and anger.

I grabbed a metal pole beside me and faced the brutal young fellows.

"Stop what you are doing right now with that old man!." I shouted.

"Who the hell are you? Unwanted visitor?." The boy in the back said as he grabbed one of those funky wooden bat with thorns.

"Did you really think you can scare me with that sharp wooden bat you have?." I asked.

Meldy on the other hand, tried to stop me from colliding with the young fellows.

"Pls Peter, let's just stay away out of trouble." She suggested.

"You will realize the mistake that you've done, once YOU STUCK YOUR HEAD WITH THIS BAT!." The boy said as they rushed towards me.

"Meld, stay back will ya." I said to Meldy.

Then one of the boys swinged the bat right in my face, but fortunately I evaded the attack and did a counter attack to his shoulder. Then the 3 of them attacked me in synchronous. Even though they are smaller and younger than me, some of their attacks, managed to hit me. From my back, my arms, and in my legs.

"Peter you're bleeding!!." Meldy shouted.

I swinged my metal pole to the head and knocked one of the boys to the ground, then shoved my elbow in the throat to the second one. The last fellow was formidable to beat down since he had that sharp wooden bat and I can't approach easily. One wrong move or one wrong step means breaking my body or worst my skull. Carefully, I took out some sand in the ground and tossed it everywhere in his face, the boy flinched as one of the sand particles went to his eye.

"Arghh!! You dirty bastard!." He exclaimed in pain.

Immediately I tackled him to the ground, and landed strong solid punches to his face until he went out.

"Are you ok?! God your bleeding come let's clean that then cover that with bandage." Meldy said as she approached me with worry on her face.

"I'm alright, let's check the old man first." I suggested while walking towards the old man.

"Check his pulse." She said.

I took my fingers in his hand to check any signs of life, but unfortunately the old weak man died, probably due to the shock and damage that the young punks did to him. Maybe it was for the best, because if he lived, he will eventually die again.

"Let's bury the old man, and give him a proper grave."I suggested.

While digging a hole for him, I found an old pic of him in his slack's pocket.

"A world war veteran, too bad you died in a horrible way. I'm sure back then it was also horrible during the war and you survived it, but today is the day you tasted the thing everyone doesn't want. DEATH." I said while burrying the old man.

"Rest in Peace"

After burrying the dead, we cleaned my wounds and continued our journey.

"I can't believe you defeated those punks earlier. From what I've seen earlier, their age is somehow close to ours but still you managed to defeat them." She said.

"Well, I learned some of those tactical stuffs in a game, I guess in the end my old games saved me from sudden death." I replied as we continue to walk in the road filled with debris.

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