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"I think it's safe to get out now." Meldy said.

"I'll go scout first in case someone is standing outside the tunnel." Hiroshi suggested.

In the tunnel, we were just sitting there for hours waiting for the war to calm down.

"Let's get out of here." Hiroshi said while holding his katana.

"But where are we going?." I asked.

"Let's go to the enemy camp, there might be something there for us to eat." Meldy suggested.

"Yeah, possible."

It was 8 in the evening when the war calmed down. After making a decision, we went to the enemy camp to find some food. From the distance, we still heard some gunfires and explosions, but it was a little better than what happened the whole morning.

"The war is starting to calm down." I said to both them.

"We don't know, maybe in the morning the war will continue." Hiroshi said.

After walking an almost 15 minutes we reached the enemy camp. Opposite from our expectation, it was still intact. The enemies were still there, the war vehicles were still intact, and the camp was not in a state of destruction.

"I guess the other side failed to capture this camp for now, but I know for sure that they will not surrender." Hiroshi said to us while scouting using his rifle.

"It's not our problem, let's just get food, I don't care which of the two forces will win." Meldy said.

"I think it's hard to get some supplies for now." Hiro said while looking at the location of the supply warehouse.

"Why?." I asked.

"It's heavily guarded right now." He explained.

Without food to eat we will surely die from hunger. When the war started, the three of us just sipped coffee and we never had a proper breakfast, so by the time that we got out of the tunnel, the three of us were hungry.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." Meldy said while holding her stomach.

"This is bad, we need a proper plan." I suggested.

"Agree, but with the number of guards guarding the warehouse right now, I would say it will be impossible to steal." Hiroshi explained.

"Then what do we do?." Meldy asked.

"I have a plan." Hiroshi said while smiling.


"Ok seriously, I never tried shooting a sniper on my own before." I said to Meldy while using the sniper that we got from a dead enemy in the battlefield.

"Relax, all you have to do is to create a distraction so that Hiroshi can have an opportunity to lurk in the warehouse." Meldy explained.

"But, what if I will fail?." I asked.

"Don't be such a pussy, just focus, think of the sacrifice Hiroshi made for us." Meldy said.

Without a choice, I crouched on the ground, settled a suppressed Brugger & Thomet advance precision rifle on floor, and scouted.

"Who are we shooting again?." I asked.

"Based from Hiroshi's instruction, we will cause a commotion. First thing you will do is to shoot some of those things in the table to scare the officials. Next thing you will do is to shoot the foundations of the towers to break it so that the guard will be distracted, lastly shoot those large drums containing some gasoline to cause an explosion. I'm sure by doing those tasks, Hiroshi can have an opportunity to sneak." Meldy carefully explained.

"Ok got it." I replied.

Carefully, I looked through the scope and carefully aimed at the can on the table where the officials conducted their meeting.

Then in a swift moment, I knocked the can down, causing panic to the officials.

"Wow, that's a suppressed sniper for you." I said while being amazed by the power of the sniper.

"I know you're amazed, but stay focus. Hiroshi told us to mind the direction of the wind before shooting. An improper shot will cost us ammunition." Meldy explained.

"Oh! right sorry I got carried away. I forgot we only have 5 shots in this gun." I said to her.

"Just focus, next target is the foundation of the tower. Focus your aim, I will tell you if the apparent wind is strong. Again do not shoot until I signal you to do so." She said.

"Got it." I said to her.

"The overall structure of that little weak tower is made of 2x2 woods and wood planks, probably made for scouting not for defending. With a capacity of 2 person, I'm sure that the purpose of that thing is to scout incoming enemies from a distance. Honestly, that tower is really weak, with the caliber of sniper that you're holding, it will only take one bullet in the foundation to take it down." She explained.

Carefully with 4 shots remaining, I aimed to the weakest part of the foundation. The uppermost part foundation of the tower was not strong enough so I aimed at it.

And then, quietly and swiftly I knocked the first improvised tower.

"Take that!." I said.

"Your aim is a bit deflected, the angle should be in the right upper part so that if the wind will blow, your bullet will go straight to the original target. Don't forget that the wind is in the east." She explained.

"Wow, I didn't you were such a genius about sniping target?." I said to tease her.

"I was in the archery club you moron." She explained.

"Oh right, hehe I totally forgot." I replied.

After the first tower went down, the enemies were panicking because of what happened. Carefully, I aimed towards the foundation of the second tower.

"Wait for my signal." She said.

"Wind still strong, wait for it to calm down."


And then again, with Meldy's accurate instruction, I took down the 2nd tower easily.

"This is pretty exciting. With the noise that they are making down there, it makes the suppressed sniper more deadlier without compromising our location."  I said to her.

"This is good, the guards in the warehouse are running towards the ruckus." Meldy said while looking at the binoculars towards the warehouse.


"Proceed to the last target, careful with the last two shots." She said.

"Ok got it." I responded.

Again for the last time, I aimed towards the last target which was the barrel of gasoline. Through my scope I aimed just like what Meldy said and then...


The last shot caused an explosion resulting a fire to the nearby facilities. The last target was a bit difficult compared to the towers because of the additional distance between me and the target and the influence of wind in that area. Fortunately, with just 1 try, I perfectly shot the last target giving me the last remaining bullet as a souvenir for my heroic deed.

"The guards will surely hunt us now, let's get out of here and go back to the tunnel and wait for Hiroshi." Meldy suggested.

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