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"There's a lot of guards in the entrance so I suggest we take the window in the hallway then straight to the kitchen." Hiroshi suggested.

"Ok it's up to you, you lead this one."

As expected from what happened to the party, all of the security units of Don Felipe were all alert and vigilant. They knew that we will strike back so they positioned a lot of guards everywhere on the mansion, making the infiltration more harder.

"We can't stay here for long, guards are all roaming in all parts, let's do it." I said to them.

Carefully, by lifting the windows, we entered through the window without making unnecessary noices. Same with outside, there were a lot of guards inside.

"we're almost in the kitchen, but first let's check some empty rooms for us to hide."

After finding a suitable hiding place, we discovered an empty room in the hallway. We entered through and settled.

"Okay, since there's a lot of guards roaming around, we need one person to do the job." Meldy suggested.

"I'll do it." I volunteered.

"You sure?." Hiroshi asked.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Take this knife with you, you will need this." Meldy gave me a sharp short knife to defend myself.

In the hallway, while waiting for the patroling guards to go, I used the opportunity to sneak out to the kitchen.

I was about to enter the kitchen when I discovered that there were a lot of chefs and guards present in the room, so I grabbed a vase and broke it to cause a distraction.

And as expected, seconds after I broke a vase, the guards and chefs were caught in surprise so they went out the room to check what's happening.

Then using the vents, I went to the kitchen to steal the food that we needed. I took some cheese, some cooked ham, meat, a bottle of water, and some biscuits and packed it in a plastic that i got from the pantry.

I was about to get out, when the guards and chef's went inside by my surprise. Immediately while they enter, I panicked and hid inside a small cupboard in the end of the kitchen.

"Probably Lady Yvonne's cat, anyway back to work! We need to serve the master in 7!." The head chef commanded his chefs.

Due to the starvation that I felt, I became impatient so slowly I went out to the kitchen while hiding myself to the staffs. The smell of the food in the kitchen was punching my nostrils like crazy, it was crazy good that my stomach roared with rage of desire.

"Ghad, the smell is mouthwatering." I said to myself.

While the chef's were busy with the cooking, I took the area where there's no one working. I was about to exit through the door when, a guard suddenly entered, dragging a young naked kid in the kitchen.

"Here's the request." The guard said to the head chef.

"How old is he?." the head chef asked.

"3 year's old, same with the instructions that you provided." the guard replied.

"Good, just make sure that this is 3, it will be troublesome if Don Felipe will discover that the meat is tough."

"Absolutely sir, the farmer said he's 10 no doubt."

"Okay proceed with the slaughter." the head chef commanded.

While sneaking, one of the chefs took a butcher knife and severed the head of the poor kid. Blood gushed through the floor so the chef took a pail and filtered the blood. It was horrible, the boy was slaughtered like an animal in front of my eyes. Due to the instant slit in the throat, the boy wasn't able to scream, but based from the movements in his body, I was pretty sure that he suffered great pain.

My stomach turned upside down due what I've witnessed. The hunger faded away like crazy.

"The blood keep it, you boil this one so we can chop him in parts for the soup." The head chef ordered one of his underlings.

Then one of the chef boiled some water, chopped the poor kid and placed them in a big pot filled with hot bubbling water.

I was about to throw up when I saw that, so I immediately went out the kitchen.


"There you are, where's the food?." Meldy asked.

"Here." I placed the plastic full of food in the floor.

"What happened?." Hiroshi asked when he noticed that I was silent.

"I suggest you guys to not eat the meat that I included there in the plastic." I told them.

"Why?." Meldy asked.

"It's human meat." I answered.


"Yeah you heard me, it's human. While stealing some food, I witnessed a horrifying scene."

"What is it? Share it to us."

"They slaughtered a young kid back there, then chopped and boiled, so I suggest no to eat the meat in the plastic."

"It's a waste, I badly need to eat meat but if you say so."

Together, we instead ate the biscuits and the cheeses. It was not satisfying and fulfilling enough but it was okay. It's better than nothing.

After eating, we decided to continue our mission, and that is to find Don Felipe and kill.

"We will not wait for the Occisor to appear, we will do this ourselves." Hiroshi suggested.

"Yeah, may our sacrifices lead to freedom of those poor soul."

"Any idea about the location of Don Felipe?." Meldy asked.

"I know where." I replied.


"When I was in the kitchen, I heard that Don Felipe doesn't like tough meat for his meal, so probably that slaughtered kid was his meal for tonight, so for me I think Don Felipe is in the Dining room today." I explained.

"Okay, now that we identified his position, what's the plan?." Hiroshi asked.

"I have a plan listen to me very carefully." I said to them.

"What is it?."

"Come closer."

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