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"What do you mean.?" Hiroshi asked.

"It's just a probability, I can't really say that my theory is correct." I said to them.

"How about we go back to our base for now." Meldy suggested.


After that situation, we decided to go back in the base to think of a possible idea of what's going on in the area.


"Here's the thing, how can a person escape so fast in that room without making any noise?." Hiroshi asked us while sipping a coffee.

"I don't know, we tried to find the escape route but there was nothing in that room." I replied.

"Ok here's what happened. When we entered the store, we didn't go to the second floor right away. You guys played with the creepy dolls first and then suddenly the piano started to play in the 2nd level of the store. When Hiroshi went upstairs to check, we didn't follow right away. But when Peter and I decided to follow, a mannequin was standing right in front us when we stepped into the dark hallway of the 2nd floor." Meldy explained.

"What's your point?." I asked.

"Hiroshi, when you went upstairs you didn't bring flashlights with you right?." Meldy asked.

"Yes why?." Hiroshi replied.

"When you first took your step in the 2nd floor, was there a mannequin blocking in your way in the hallway?." Meldy asked again.

"No, there was nothing in front of me. Since it was so dark I just followed the sequence of the floor." Hiroshi replied.

"When Peter and I followed you, there was a goddamn mannequin standing in front of us. That hallway was narrow probably only 2 person can fit remember?. If you didn't bump with that mannequin in the hallway, then there was someone in hallway that time who placed the mannequin for us." Meldy explained.

"If someone was actually there, then how come we never see him?." I asked.

"That's the question that I can't answer for now." Meldy said.

"This is so mind twisting damn it." Hiroshi said.

"Also, Peter, you didn't touch the  mannequin in the hallway right?." Meldy asked.

"No I didn't, we just walked past through it." I replied.

"Yeah I remember that, just making sure." Meldy said.


"Remember when we all went downstairs right? I don't know if you noticed, but the goddamn mannequin was fucking gone in the hallway." Meldy said.

"What?! I didn't notice." I replied.

There was a lot of questions going on mind, so I was really not in the mood to be scared. But that question of Meldy, that question literally froze me.

"Oh yeah right, It was gone. When we walked in the hallway to go down the stairs, there was no mannequin standing." I said.

"That's my point. You didn't notice it, but I did." Meldy said.

"You did?." Hiroshi asked.

"Yeah I did, I even asked you why the mannequin was gone but both of you just ignored my question."

To be honest, what happened was really mind twisting. The three of us were not sure of what's going on and we're not even sure if we're dealing with one person or more than one.

"Damn, this is really confusing." I said to them.

"For now, we will just observe. I'll guard you guys in your sleep for tonight, tomorrow we will continue." Hiroshi suggested.

Without enough answers to make a hypothesis, we decided to take a rest for the night.


It was 1 in the midnight, but my mind was still awake.

While looking at the ceiling. I was wondering about what really happened in the store.

"You know Hiroshi, I feel bad if I will let you guard us while we are sleeping. I can't sleep anyway, how about we stay awake for the rest of the night?." I asked.

"Okay, go reheat some water I will make some coffee." Hiroshi said.

After making some coffee, I can't help but talk about what happened.

"In your mind, what do you think happened?." I asked.

"I am not sure, but when I was in that room, It was so dark but I felt that there was someone inside. When Meldy said that there was also a person in the hallway that time, I was really confused. Maybe what you said earlier about the person being not alone was right. Maybe there was more than one of them." Hiroshi replied.

"So far they didn't harm us, but we must be careful, we don't know if they're evil or good. No one can tell." I said to him.

"By the way Hiroshi, there was one thing that I really want to ask you." I asked.

"What is it?." Hiroshi replied.

"How did you know about this village?." I asked him for the second time.

"It was my Father who told me about this place. Long time ago when he was just a kid, my grandmother used to come here with him. He said that the Montreal village was the best village in the country. When he was a kid, he used to play with his friends here, they harvested apples, play cart in the mine, play hide and seek with friends and more. When it was time for him to go back to japan, he was really sad. He then promised to himself and to his friends that he will someday comeback here. But one day when I was just 4 years old, a severe illness ended his life and because of that he wasn't able to fulfill his promises to his friends. And then year after he died, the Montreal village was involve in an accident which is the fire. That is the reason why I want to explore this place." Hiroshi explained.

"Sorry for dragging you guys here with me." He apologized.

"No, I think what you did was awesome. For now this is the safest place available, especially in our world today." I said.

"Yeah but about this mystery in the area, I really have no idea about what's happening." He said.

"We will solve this soon, don't worry." I said to him while staring at the ceiling.

"This house has nice ceiling tho..."


"Hey, I think there was one thing that we didn't check properly in that room earlier." I said to him.

"What is it." He asked.

"The ceiling."

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें