Start from the beginning

Anyways, that is not this letter's soul purpose. The Weasley's have invited us for christmas this year, I happily agreed but wanted to check in on your opinion. 

Love, Remus

I smiled at the letter. Lee peeked over and my shoulder and grinned like an idiot. The dreadlocked boy was spending some of the christmas holidays with us at the Burrow as well. I handed the letter to Fred and George, as soon as they read it they beamed at me. Annie was smiling too, but she looked a little confused. 

"Remus is your godfather, correct?" The Hufflepuff girl asked. Annie was officially part of our dynamic group, so we included her in everything. She had other friends in Hufflepuff, but she would always hang out with us more. The girl knew all of the groups secrets, except last summers'. Only Fred, George, Lee, and myself knew about the elemental and about me being a 'Potter.' That secret, was a 'pact secret.' Also Fred, George, and myself were the only ones who knew about the marauders map. 

"Correct!" I said as I smiled brightly at one of my best friends. 

"So..." Fred began tentatively on my direction. "Are you coming home for christmas?" The boy's eyes were full of hope, so much hope that I couldn't resist to my mischievous side. 

"I don't know, Fred." I said as I looked down in hope that my emerald green eyes wouldn't give away my prank. "I was thinking on staying at Hogwarts this year." I continued nochantly. 

Annie caught up on my plan quickly and hid the sly smile in her face, as she returned to her breakfast. The twins on the other hand, were looking confused and gloom. Lee was staring in confusion between the three of us. 

"What?!" Shrieked Fred, he was starting to get visibly angry for some reason. 

"But— But-t..." Stammered George. I was about to speak up, when Annie shook her head vigorously at the twins. 

"Oh honestly, you two." She said with a scolding tone. "If Rose wishes to stay at school this year, then you ought to respect her decision!"   

"But Annie-!" George began, looking at the blonde girl with hope. 

"Nope! No 'buts' George Weasley!" Annie exclaimed as she slammed her fists to the breakfast table. I sat wide-eyed, looking at the usually calm Hufflepuff girl. Fred was looking between Annie and I, as if trying to unravel a sick joke. 

"It was just a thought." I mumbled as I put a piece of bacon in my mouth. 

"Whatever." Fred said as he grabbed his school bag and stood up from the bench. 

"Wait, mate!" Lee stopped Fred before he left the table completely. "Do you not want to hear who the other letter is from?" 

Fred's eyes shifted from the letter to my face, before he rolled his eyes and spoke to Lee. "She'll tell me about it later anyways." 

The boy walked out of the Great Hall with a frown on his face. I felt a pang of hurt at his words, I didn't know if I should feel offended or guilty. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat, and resisted the urge to run after him. 

"Maybe you should open the letter?" Annie suggested as she eyed the unopened letter on my hand. 

I cleared my throat and nodded at her. "Yes, I should." 

I opened the familiar looking letter and sighed before letting my eyes read over it. 


Happy Christmas, I do not expect you this holiday.  

Your Mother.

Attached to the letter, were five galleons. I felt my eyes go white and allowed my hair to take that colour too. I pursed my lips together and handed the short notice to George and Annie. Lee had read the letter over my shoulder, and was staring at me with pity in his dark eyes. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now