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You have been invited in joining the union of
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
Narcissa Minette Black
Malfoy Manor
24, August, 1976
Half past 4:00

Summer had gone slow, Raina did her very best to stay in her room.

While Sirius and James stayed active, and even had Peter and Remus over for about a week, Raina stayed isolated.

No more than ten words were shared between Euphemia and Raina. For Euphemia was too proud to say anything, while Raina was too afraid, resulting in giving one another "the silent treatment".

However, it was August now, and Raina had far more things to worry about — like what she would wear to Narcissa's wedding.

She was in Diagon Alley, in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, looking through all of the formal dresses.

She had talked to Fleamont, and he had agreed to give her some galleons. Though he wasn't too happy about her going to the wedding with Regulus, or the fact that the wedding was for Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy, he had no true reason to not allow her to go, and promised her that he wouldn't allow Euphemia to object.

So she picked out a dress, it was long, and silver, with a V line in between the breasts of the dress.

So for twenty-two galleons, Raina took her dress and returned back to her home, giving the spare galleons back to her father, and retreating back to her room after thanking him

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So for twenty-two galleons, Raina took her dress and returned back to her home, giving the spare galleons back to her father, and retreating back to her room after thanking him.

As the final days of the month came, the day had finally come.

Raina was pinning her last strand of hair behind her head as she turned around to make her way into the bathroom. As she opened the door, foolishly forgetting to knock, she had bumped into something hard, looking up to see Sirius Black.

"Will you please what where you're going?" She bitterly asked, pushing past him to make sure her make up hadn't smeared.

"Me?" He asked, turning to her. "Maybe you should have knocked. Ever think of that?"

"I don't need to knock in my own home." She replied, turning away from the mirror after fixing her make up to face him.

"Really?" He asked with a smirk. "What if you walked into James' room without knocking. And he's looking at a picture of Evans, his trousers around his ankles-"

"Oh, my God, shut up!" She cried, throwing her hands over her ears, unable to think about her brother doing anything like that without wanting to puke.

As Sirius' chuckles began to end, he finally noticed her in her silver dress, hair put up, a braid wrapped around her thick bun.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that?" He asked, slowly looking at the dress from bottom to top.

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