"Thank you," I said as I took my bag from him. Watching as he stuffed the book away in his bag and then reaching for Freds. I bent down and grabbed my book that George had dropped.

"I think you might want to finish this," I said as I stood back up. Holding it out towards George.

"I think I do," He smirked as he took it out of my grasp and quickly shoved it into his book bag before sliding the cabin door open. Letting me walk out first into an empty hallway.

Once we were on the platform we met up with Fred, Lee, and Marie. Along with Maries Ravenclaw boy. Tommy Feilds her boyfriend.

"Daisy, this is the boy I told you about in my letters," Marie said as I walked up to her. She had sile on her face as it beamed from ear to ear. They were talking at the beginning of last year but I guess over the summer they ran into each other in Italy and really hit things off and started dating.

"Tommy right?" I asked as I stood in front of them with the boys behind me.

"Tommy Fields, and you must be the wonderful Daisy Black. I've heard a lot about you.

"All good things I hope," I laughed as I looked over at Marie.

"Always. I am sorry about your father. You know my parents think he is innocent," He said as he held his hand out to shake it.

"Thank you, that means a lot," I said as I shook his hand.

"Tommy, this is Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins, Fred and George Weasley."

"Love your pranks, guys," Tommy said as if he was fangirling.

"Thank you!" They both beamed in unison.

"I think we should head to Hogwarts and get ready for the sorting ceremony," I said as we all stood around each other. Marie and I quickly took off leaving the boys behind us as they immediately starting making friends with Tommy.

"Sooo, how did you end up running into him in Italy?" I squilled as we linked arms.

"My parents and I were at lunch when I saw him across the way. Apparently his family knows mine. So for the rest of the vacation we hung out with his family and we ended up talking a lot and picking up where we left off from last year and then one night he kissed me and from there it is history."

"That is so cute," I said, "I like him. He is a step up from the boy at the beginning of the year last year and I think the boys like him already too."

"That's always a plus," She laughed as we waited for a carriage to ride back to Hogwarts. The whole carriage ride back was spledid. Marie and Tommy told us about there summer. Fred and George of course cracking jokes at every chance they could get until we arrived at the entrance.

Once we were inside Hogwarts corridors we went to our rooms to get ready for the sorting ceremony. The boys shoving past everyone to get to the Gryffindor common room first as Marie and staggered behind.

When we got inside the common room everyone was busy getting to there rooms. Marie and I walked up the steps to our dorm room. The sign now read 6th year Gyffindor girls. A room we had since we were first years. The two of us stepped inside to find our beds and our 3 other roommates who were all best friend with each other. While the 5 of us got along occasionally and were somewhat close with we never really felt like we fit in with the and there ways. Marie and I changed into our uniforms and threw our robs on quickly to get to the feast in time. We pulled our hats on as we walked down the stairs into the common room where Fred, George, and Lee were all waiting for us.

"Alright, ladies," Fred said as we filled out the door.

"Let's go meet our new Gryffindor babies!" Maries shriked as she pulled my hand fast out the door as the twins followed me.

As we made our way to The Great Hall, Marie ran off to find Tommy before the feast. Leaving me sandwiched between Fred and George. Which in all I didn't mind as George kept brushing his hand against mine.

When we got to the dining hall, the four of us all took a seat while we waiting for Marie to come over. Once Tommy had dropped her off she took her seat next to me as Ginny sat on my other side while Hermione, Ron, and Harry sat close by. The rest of the quidditch team filling in as the first years started to walk in.

As we were halfway through our dinner Dumbledore got up and began to give his back-to-school speech. Introducing our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Dolores Umbridge. Who decided that is was right of her to get up and give us a whole speech about the up and coming school year. The twins weren't too happy about that. Calling her a fun killer.

Harry was on edge the moment she was pointed out because she was at his hearing at the Ministry. As the speak spilled on Hermione wehnt on about how this meant that the Ministry was interfering with what was going on at Hogwarts. Just when we thought we would have a normal year.

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