"This is Fred and mines new shop," George said from behind me.

"George it's huge!" I exclaimed as I heard him snicker behind me, "You know what I mean." As I smacked his chest again. I swear this boy disgusted me sometimes with his dirty jokes.

"Hopefully we will be up and running by the beginning of next school year," He said as we both starred at the building.

"I am happy for you two. This is going to be amazing. I can't believe what your parents must be thinking."

"We haven't exactly told them yet," George said as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Really?" I questioned as I looked up at him, "Why not? I mean they must already know that Harry gave you the money."

"They don't know about that either. We want to surprise them. Ginny and Ron don't even know."

"You're joking with me, right? I can't keep this big of a secret."

"For me? Please," George said as he made puppy eyes at me. I let out a heavy sigh and rolled my eyes at him.

"Just for you yes. Don't tell Fred," I giggled.

"Fine by me," He said turning on his heels and head in back into the crowd. I quickly caught up with him as she was Ron and Ginny emerge from the book store. Ron had a disgusting look on his face while Ginny looked like she wanted to punch someone.

"What happened?" I asked them as George scanned the store from outside.

"Stupid Malfoy," Ron said under his breath.

Draco Malfoy. A pain and practically my cousin. Still, he was a pain. Always tormenting us and calling us out. It was annoying. It took us everything in our bodies not to pounce on him like a lion hunting his prey.

"What did he do this time?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Blamed Ginny for stealing money so she could buy her book. Causing the whole store to look at us," Ron spoke quickly.

"Slow down Ron," George said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Did you get your book?" I asked Ginny.

"Yeah, Rons just being a bit overdramatic," She said.

"I am not," Ron exclaimed.

"The whole store was not looking at us. Malfoy just tormented us while I was checking out," Ginny said.

"Whatever," Ron said before the four of us took off and headed back to Grimmauld Place.

Once we were back home. Ginny ran up to her room to begin packing as we all left soon for Hogwarts. Ron took off looking for Hermione to tell her all about what Malfoy did or didn't do. While George and I went up to my room. The bag of sweatpants still in his hands as we passed the room where he and Fred were staying. He opened the door and dropped the bag off inside before closing in again and following me.

Once in my room, he took a seat on my bed and I went to change into some more comfortable clothing before turning on my radio. George and I just sitting in my room as I picked my book back up reading where I left off at. George laying his head next to my legs as he folding his hands over his chest and closing his eyes. I peeked beneath my book to look at him. Noticing how gorgeous he was as his eyelids fluttered. A few moments later my door burst open.

"Have either of you guys seen Hermione?" Ron asked anxiously.

"No," I said as I continued reading, pretending that I wasn't just staring at George.

"Sorry brother, not at all," George said not opening his eyes once. Ron sighed and closed the door leaving us alone again. I went back to admiring George.

"You're looking at me," He said with his eyes closed. My eyes darted back up to my book. Finding a line to read.

"I am not," I huffed.

"Yes you are," He said back.

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not," I argued back, "I am not having this fight with you." As I closed my book and walked over to my door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a snack. Would you liked to come?" I asked as I opened the door.

"I would love to," He said as he bounced off my bed and walked out before me. Both of us walking down the stairs as we passed Fred and George's room. Both of stopping as we heard s loud shirk come from the other side of the door. We stopped dead in our tracks. George and I looking at each other as we continued to hear muffled noises. George raised his eyebrow before we pressed our ear to the door. Hearing more silent sounds coming from the inside.

"Who are you guys spying on?" Ginny asked as we quickly pulled away and stood in front of the door.

"Nothing, run along little sis," George said as some of the noises seemed to get louder.

"Weirdos. Have any of you seen Hermione? Ron is looking for her."

Ron already came to us asking if we had seen Hermione but we didn't. To think of it we hadn't seen Fred since we'd been back either. He would have come to find us by now. Then it hit me.

"No we haven't but when we do we will let her know," I said trying to hold back my giggles as my eyes were ready to pop out of my head. My brain wrapping around the thought of Fred and Hermione being in the room together.

"Thanks," She said before skipping off downstairs. George and I look at each other.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed as I turned back towards him.

"What?" He asked looking at me confused.

"You really are clueless aren't you? Your brother, Fred, is in there shagging Hermione," I said as I pointed at the door. I watched as George's eyes popped and his mouth fell open.

"Oh, Ron is going to be so pissed," He snickered as I cover my mouth.

George and I decided to wait outside the door until the two of them came out to give them a hard time. About 5 minutes later the door opened and out came Fred and Hermione. Fred had a huge grin on his face while Hermione looked absolutely petrified that we were waiting outside.

"Hey lovers," George said as he smirked. Hermione looked over at me and hung her head. She pushed past the twins and went to head down the stairs. I could hear Fred and George being talking behind us as I raced to catch up with Hermione.

"So," I began, "How was it?"

"Amazing," As she smiled, "Don't tell Ron. Or anyone else."

"My lips are sealed," I said as I mimicked zipping and locking my lips as we headed down into the living room area where most everyone else was.

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