Returning to issues

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After the first day of working with Elias and almost getting crushed, the next day went better. Now I get to return to school. Oh, yay.

I got ready, had breakfast, then came out to meet Deacon and Gia.

"Try not to get suspended again," Deacon teased.

I rolled my eyes and got into the car. Gia slid into the back seat as Deacon got behind the wheel. He pulled backed out of the driveway and drove to school.

"How was working with Elias?" Gia asked.

"Well, Elias saved me from getting crushed. He tackled me," I said.

Gia laughed.

"Then it wasn't all bad," Gia mentioned.

Deacon snickered as I shook my head. Deacon pulled into the school parking lot, and we got out as Kayden and Jayden chased some poor schmuck down.

"Who pissed off the psycho twins?" I asked.

"Who didn't piss off the psycho twins?" Oliver asked, walking over to us.

Deacon chuckled.

"I heard my brother lost his shit the other day," Oliver mentioned.

"Yeah, it happens when some dumbass tries to kill you," I reasoned.

"Yeah, Owen hates that guy," Oliver added.

After watching Owen scream at the guy, I don't doubt it. Elias handled it better, which was a good thing.

"Welcome to hell," Gia sighed as we all looked at each other.

Yeah, none of us were fans of high school. I walked in, and we passed Bradley, who had a smugness on his face. I wanted to beat it off of him but had to refrain. I need to graduate.

Gia and the others went to their lockers as I opened my door. My thoughts drifted to Elias. I never had someone tell me about what I like. Not even Deacon knew the things Elias did. The corner of my lips twisted upward. Then someone slammed my locker door shut.

I looked at Bradley with annoyance.

"How was your vacation?" Bradley asked with a smugness.

"You're an ass. I don't know why we dated," I replied, feeling annoyed.

"That's funny since I'm the only guy who asked you," Bradley smirked.

"Because I lowered my standards." I wouldn't give Bradley the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Oh, right, because your standards are high. I guess freaks belong together."

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips when Bradley said that about Elias.

"You wish you were half the man of Elias. But you're not especially with your one-inch dick, and that's when it's hard. I wouldn't even have a dick if I was you because who wants a weenie?"

Bradley stood erect. I saw fury wash over his face. Yep, I hit a nerve.

He leaned into my face. "I would watch yourself," Bradley hissed.

"Or what dicklicker?" Someone asked, standing behind Bradley.

I saw Bradley go rigid when I saw the psycho twins standing behind him. People should know that Kayden and Jayden have no issue beating someone's ass and getting suspended. Markus spent many times in the principal's office because of them.

Jayden slid his arm around Bradley's neck and yanked Bradley to him. "Listen here, dumbfuck, you're disrespecting our cousin's girl. Like family, we take exception."

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