Well, that's a fine mess

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After I calmed Tori down, we talked. I didn't want miscommunication between us.

"Look, I know our ideas were wrong, but I would never discard your feelings. I know you felt crushed when you heard me say you're like a kid sister to me. I wish I would have never said it," I said, being honest about my regret.

"It's hard when you like someone because of how they treat you. You would listen to me when others ignored me. You know my likes and dislikes. I felt special," Tori sniffled with her head down.

"You are special. Never think you aren't," I said.

Tori lifted her head with tear-streaked cheeks. I reached over and brushed away her tears with my thumb.

"Did you mean what you said? About falling in love with me?" Tori asked with furrowed brows.

"Yes," I answered, nodding my head. "Did you mean what you said?"

"More than you know," Tori whispered.

"Oh, I do because I see it in your face," I replied.

I learned you could see Tori's emotions through her facial expressions. Most people overlook it, but I didn't because I read lips a lot. I studied faces while growing up, especially when my hearing aids quit working. You learn to interpret reactions and emotions.

"I hate how Bradley uses my insecurities against me, and I let him," Tori mumbled.

"Then stop letting him get to you. When people see your weakness, they will exploit it. Some people get a kick out of bringing others down. It doesn't make them look good," I reasoned.

"I know," she sighed.

I know what I'm talking about with people. I saw the negativity from people when they found out I'm deaf. Some of the girls I dated treated me like I'm damaged because I had a disability. It's part of who I am, but it doesn't define me. It never has and never will.

"Now, I have to talk to my dad," I mentioned.

"Why?" Tori asked.

"Because it seems Don Wilson decided not to drop the lawsuit after your dad threatened him."

"I don't understand why someone would want to pursue a lawsuit after what their family did to others. Don Wilson abused his kid."

"I know, but not everything has good intentions. It's bullshit." I shrugged.

"Don Wilson is an asshole."

I arched an eyebrow at Tori. Then my hearing aids decided to go on the fritz. I caught bits and pieces of Tori's conversation, then held up my hand. She looked at me as I pointed to my hearing aids. Then I signed, "My batteries are dying. I have to replace them. Did you want to come with me?"

Tori signed back. "Sure, why not? Plus, I have to talk to Deacon."

"What happened with Deacon?" I signed.

"I took my anger on him. I thought he told you about my crush after we pinky swore at twelve."

"Wait. What?"

Tori looked at me with confusion. "Wait. You didn't know Deacon knew about my crush?"

I shook my head. I watched Tori's expression change to surprise. Deacon never told me about Tori's crush when he found out. He mentioned a few weeks ago like it was no big deal. I thought he said it to push me into spending time with Tori. Yeah, little brother and I will have a chat.


I followed Elias out of my room and house, then walked with him to his house. When we went inside, he went to Nora to get new batteries. I went to find Deacon.

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