It's all fun and games until someone gets beamed with an apple

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All week, I thought about my life. Can a person have an existential crisis at seventeen? I'm pretty sure I was having one. Elias noticed and tried to cheer me up. It didn't work. I moped all week. Stupid Bradley Wilson. What was I thinking?

Saturday came, and my loving boyfriend thought I moped long enough. Elias kidnapped me to take me to the car. Okay, I don't consider a hot guy carrying me over his shoulder kidnapping. Plus, it gave me a chance to stare at his butt. Boy, he has a nice butt.

"Stop staring at my ass," Elias said, carrying me.

"But it's so round and cute. Most guys don't have a butt, but you do," I reasoned.

"Most guys don't have what I have," Elias retorted.

I clamped my lips shut. I also have a perverted boyfriend. Elias set me down next to his car. I looked at him and sighed.

"I spent all week trying to get you out of your funk," he said.

"I like staying in my funk. It gives me a reason to be a moody teenager," I countered.

"Not anymore. We're going to the apple orchard."

"I don't have a say, do I?" I stared at Elias with my hands on my hips.

"Nope, now get in the car."

"You're so bossy." I got into the car as Elias chuckled.

The others were coming with us to the apple orchard. It's been a while since all of us went to the apple orchard as a group. It's even weirder now that Gabe and Gia aren't together.

Elias drove out to an apple orchard nestled in the country past the city limits. He drove through a small town over a bridge towards Apple Johnny's. We pulled onto the grass to see other cars parked in rows. Deacon pulled next to us as Gabe parked next to Deacon.

We got out of the car to see a car pull in as it parked at the end. Owen, Wendy, and Oliver got out.

"What's with you wanting to drive out to no-man's-land for apples?" Owen asked Elias across the car rooftop.

Elias leaned on the roof of his car. "It's the same orchard we have always visited. Plus, there are other things to do here."

"I'm up for climbing trees," Deacon mentioned.

"Don't break anything. The last time we came here, you fell out a tree and broke your arm," Elias warned Deacon.

"I blame Nate. I told him to catch me," Deacon said.

"I'm not catching your stupid ass. You weigh a ton," Nate retorted.

"Says the guy who packed on a few pounds. You should lay off the sweets," Deacon said.

We watched Nate chase Deacon. Deacon picked up an apple and beamed Nate with it. I walked over to Gabe, who sighed.

"Good luck with that one," I said, pointing at Nate.

Gabe rolled his eyes. Elias walked over to Nate and Deacon to separate them with Owen's help. It brings back so many memories.

After Elias separated his brothers, we went into the building. The psycho twins chased each other, chucking apples at each other. Jayden ducked as Kayden smacked Oliver with an apple in the forehead. Oliver rubbed his head, then rushed Kayden and body-slammed him onto the ground. We can't take the cousins anywhere with us.

I followed Elias into the building. He paid for a bag as the others followed suit. After spending, we made our way to the orchard. I couldn't wait to climb the trees.

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