Christmas chaos, part two

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After the cookie debacle, I learned not to make cookies with Elias and Deacon. Ordinary people frost and decorate cookies. The Harper boys wear it.

Dad brought up the tree from the basement. Gabe grabbed the totes of ornaments. Mom and I decorated the tree. I hung a bulb as someone knocked at the door.

"Answer the door," I told Gabe as I hung an ornament.

"You answer the door," Gabe countered.

We argued.

"I'll answer the door since you both are busy," dad grumbled.

We shrugged. Dad answered the door as Elias came inside and removed his coat.

"Come on in," Dad muttered.

"Don't mind if I do," Elias replied.

Dad rolled his eyes as I giggled. Elias walked over and kissed me.

"Did you come to help me decorate?" I asked.

"No," Elias answered.

I gave Elias a strange look. He rolled his eyes.

"Of course, I came to help you. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help?"

"A lazy one," Gabe said, walking by us.

Elias became annoyed as I chuckled. He helped me decorate the tree with mom. Since Elias was taller, he came in handy with stringing the lights. Gabe thought he would help and plugged in the lights. Elias twinkled as we laughed.

"Cute," Elias told Gabe.

Gabe shrugged. Elias finished stringing the lights as I threw garland at him, hitting him in the face. He chased me around the tree as mom tried to protect the tree.

"Will you two stop?" Dad asked.

I stopped, and Elias tackled me, knocking me off my feet. I laid on the floor as he sat on me, then he tickled me.

"Stop!" I squealed.

"Tell me I'm the hottest boyfriend you ever had," Elias ordered while tickling me.

"Okay! You're the hottest boyfriend other girls had!" I yelled.

Yeah, that was the wrong thing to say. Elias tickled me more until I gasped for air.

"Okay! You're the hottest boyfriend I ever had!" I screamed.

Elias stopped and kissed me. Then he got off of me. He held out his hand, and I took it. Decorating the tree has never been so much fun.

"Are you done playing Wrestlemania?" Dad asked.

I rolled my eyes as Elias chuckled. We managed to finish decorating the tree. After the tree, Elias watched Christmas movies with me. We cuddled on the couch, drinking hot cocoa as the snow fell.

I could ask for a better Christmas vacation than this one.

Christmas arrived, and my eyes popped open. I sat up to brightness in my room. I moved my blinds to see fresh snow. I scrambled out of bed, running out of my bedroom, and crashed into Gabe. We tumbled to the floor.

"What the hell, Tori?" Gabe yelled.

"Not now, Gabriel," I said, getting to my feet. I ran downstairs and skidded to a stop. Elias stood in front of the Christmas tree. I smiled as I walked towards him. I threw my arms around his neck, crushing my lips into his lips.

"Break it up," Dad said, walking by us.

Elias and I broke from our kiss. We went to the table to have breakfast. Gabe hobbled over to the table and sat down.

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