Spring break at Universal Studios

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The next morning, someone flopped on me. I groaned as a heavy object laid on my back. Oh, why? It's spring break, and I lump me.

"If you don't get up, I'll sick Deacon on you," Elias said in my ear.

"You're a jerk," I mumbled.

"But you love this jerk. Now get up."

Ugh. Elias got off of me as I sat up, looking like my hair got stuck in a fan. Elias laughed, and I smacked him with a pillow.

"Why are you up so early?" I muttered.

"Because I'm used to getting up early for work. Plus, I get stuff done without interruptions."

"You're unnatural."

"Oh, I'm natural in more ways than one." Elias winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. My boyfriend is a perve, who dragged me out of bed. I'm not kidding. He grabbed my ankles and yanked me out of bed. I hit the floor with a thud as he dragged me to the bathroom. Elias wants to hit the theme park.

After showering, dressing, and eating breakfast, everyone hit Universal. Elias and I rode rollercoasters while checking out the motion simulators.

We stopped midway through the day to meet up with everyone and eat. We ordered burgers, fries, and pop then found a table. I sat next to Elias as we ate while the others indulged in junk food.

"I'm glad we came here instead of Disneyworld," Deacon mentioned.

"Didn't you get banned from Disney?" Nate asked.

"How does someone get banned from the friendliest place on earth?" I asked.

"Don't ask," Elias, Nate, and Deacon said.

Disney banning Deacon doesn't surprise me.

"How are you going to break your engagement news to our parents?" Gabe asked me.

"I'm engaged," I answered with a shrug.

"Yeah, but you didn't finish high school yet," Gabe reminded me.

"We're not eloping. Plus, I'm going to college."

"It doesn't matter."

"What are you yammering about?" Nate asked.

Gabe looked at Nate. "Mom and Nora will flip when they find out about the engagement. Not to mention, my dad will clean his gun."

"You better run, Elias, before Tori's Dad puts a bullet in your ass," Kayden mentioned.

"Or dick," Jayden added.

"You're disturbing," I told the psycho twins as they laughed.

"Look, we'll tell our folks when we get home. It doesn't matter if they disagree with our decision. I'm marrying Tori," Elias said, getting up from his seat. He snatched his trash and walked to a trash can, tossing it.

I looked at everyone as I got up and chased after Elias. I understood his tone and body language. You learn about someone when you grow up with them.


I walked until I found a tree and stopped. I leaned against it while crossing my arms. I'm ready to put my fist in someone's mouth.

Someone touched me as I glanced at Tori. She looked at me with concern.

"Don't listen to our twit family members," Tori reasoned.

I looked at the ground. "I wanted a chance to propose to you before you started college."

"Why? Do you think I'll run off with a college guy?"

I glimpsed at Tori. "I want guys to know you're taken."

Tori looked at me with confusion.

I turned to her. "Since we were kids, you saw me. You didn't see my deafness, but me. I didn't have to impress you. We laugh at the stupidest stuff and talk about different topics. You're my best friend."

Tori's lips curled into a smile. "Why wouldn't I see you? You're amazing."

"Because I hate being deaf. I want to be normal." I shrugged.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you're deaf or not."

"Why not?" I stood and crossed my arms.

"Because you've never been normal," Tori teased.

I gave Tori a look, then chased her. We ran around Universal as I caught her. I grabbed her, spinning her around in the air. She laughed.

I set her down, spun her as I crashed my lips into hers. Tori wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me back. People might assume our relationship is abnormal, and they're right. It doesn't matter. We fit perfectly together.


After eating, I wandered around the theme park. I found a game booth and played. I picked up a baseball as a worker stood there with crossed arms. I tossed the ball in the air, then whipped it at the milk jugs.

The worker dropped his arms as his jaw dropped. I loved to the next set and pitched the ball, hitting the jugs, knocking them over. I whipped baseballs at three more sets of jars.

People gathered as I knocked over the milk jugs. I tossed the baseball into the air, twirled, caught the ball, and threw it. People stood there, shocked as I walked away with my hands in my shorts and whistling.

I strolled through the theme park as I saw Owen shaking his head. I sauntered over to him.

"You're such a show-off," Owen mentioned.

"It's not my fault. I know the tricks. You can thank Aunt Lakin for teaching me." I shrugged.

"You hung out with the Aunts and Uncles too much. What will you do when you go to college?"

"Live my life."


"It's better than being a dumbass," I reasoned.

Owen rolled his eyes. "You worry, Dad."

"Why?" I gave Owen a strange look.

"Because you won't talk to him."

"Dad needs to relax. It doesn't mean anything if I don't unburden my soul to Dad."

Our conversation annoyed me. I didn't understand why Dad worried about me. I'm not doing anything wrong. Well, nothing that will land me in jail.

"Talk to Dad," Owen ordered.

"Oh, fine," I groaned.

Owen and I met up with the others as we rode more rides. I agreed with Owen to get him off my back. He and the others worry too much. They need to worry more about themselves than I. I'm fine, I think.


After spending the day at Universal, we headed back to the hotel. I wanted to relax. Elias had other plans for us, and it didn't involve my kind of relaxing. I told you that my boyfriend is a dirty boy.

The rest of the trip was fun. We spent time at the beach, saw the sights, ate delicious food, and hung out. You can't ask for a better spring break than ours.

One day, Elias will change my name. First, we need to get past our parents. Yeah, that discussion will be fun, explaining our engagement.

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