Irish eyes are smiling

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St. Patrick's Day arrived, and so did everyone wearing green. I never understood the concept of wearing a specific color on holiday. The idea still baffles my mind.

I walked into English class and sat in my seat as other students came into the classroom. After everyone sat down at their desk, someone strolled in dressed as a leprechaun. What the hell?

"Top of the morning," Mr. Gray announced, tilting his hat forward.

The class laughed.

"Now we had our laugh for the day. You noticed I'm dressed as a leprechaun because it's St. Patty's Day. You're thinking why. I'll tell you. People assume if we dress a certain way on holiday, we're into the holiday. We associate a color with the said holiday. Red and green for Christmas. Orange and black for Halloween. Red for Valentine's Day. You get the gist. Colors define emotions too," Mr. Gray explained.

"What does dressing like a leprechaun have to do with colors?" A student asked.

"I'm glad you asked. Your assignment is writing a short piece using different colors of green, describing scenery. If you use the word green, you fail," Mr. Gray replied.

"But the grass is green," another student whined.

"Is it? Or is that how you perceive grass? Use your imagination," Mr. Gray responded. "You have twenty minutes."

Mr. Gray sat down at his desk as I flipped open my notebook. I wrote about scenery using variations of the color green. I finished before the twenty minutes ended. I got out of my seat and handed in my assignment. Mr. Gray took the paper as I walked back to my seat.

After class ended, Mr. Gray stopped me on my way out.

"Tori, you have an eye for detail. I heard you won the newspaper's contest," Mr. Gray mentioned.

"Elias entered my story," I replied with a shrug.

"What was your story?"

I glanced at Mr. Gray. "I wrote about brothers since I grew up with them."

Mr. Gray chuckled. I grinned as I left the classroom. I like to write about people in my life. Their story makes for a fascinating tale.

After school, Elias and I headed to a diner to eat and talk. He pulled up to a parking spot and parked. We got out, strolling into the restaurant and finding a booth.

"Markus secured a building for Gabe's restaurant," Elias mentioned.

"We secured financing and help," I added.

"Why is your brother hesitant to open his restaurant?"

"Gabe doesn't want to fail. It's the same logic as to why he let his jealousy get the better of him with Nate. My brother fears the unknown."

Elias chuckled. I shrugged as I flipped through a menu. Elias glanced and stared at something. I turned my head to view Bradley bussing tables.

"What is he doing here?" Elias asked.

"I'm not sure, but I have questions for him," I said, sliding out of my seat.

Elias tried to stop me, but I brushed him off. I wanted to know why Bradley was at the accident scene. I made my way to Bradley as he loaded dirty dishes into a plastic bin. I cleared my throat. Bradley stopped and looked at me.

"I didn't take you for working," I mentioned.

"Not everyone has a rich daddy who gives a shit about them," Bradley retorted.

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