Someone always gets sick

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With October arriving, so did our crazy weather. We are working on the house for a client as I shook. Then I started sneezing and coughing.

"You okay? You don't look so good," Owen mentioned as I blew my nose.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be happy when we finish this house," I said between coughs.

"Elias. Go home. You look like shit and sound horrible."

I couldn't disagree with Owen. I'm feeling rough.

"Okay," I said, grabbing my bag and cooler. I made my way to the car and put my stuff in, then drove home. All I wanted was my bed.

I got home and went straight to my bedroom. I dropped my stuff on the floor and crawled into bed, passing out. Sleep is useful when you feel half dead. I'm hoping to feel better after I wake up.


I shifted through receipts when the office phone rang. I answered it to hear Owen tell me Elias went home sick. I hung up and let Markus know I was leaving. My kid is twenty-one, but with his issues with his deafness, I'm not taking chances.

I got home and pulled into the driveway. I made my way into the house, then checked each room until I found Elias. He was lying face down on his bed. I walked over to check him.

"Elias?" I asked. Elias didn't move as I touched his forehead. Damn, he's burning up. "Elias, hey," I said, giving him a light shake. Elias didn't stir. I called Nora, then 911.

It didn't take long for the ambulance and Nora to arrive. Presley and Kaylee came in to check Elias as we stood there.

"We need to move Elias and take him to the hospital," Presley told Kaylee.

They moved Elias onto the stretcher and covered him with a blanket.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Elias has a 104 temp. He's not rousing, and his breathing is shallow. Until the doctors check him out, he needs medical attention," Presley said as Nora looked at me with panic.

Presley and Kaylee took Elias out as we followed. I don't know what happened since this morning, but I don't like it when the boys get sick. You worry.

We left and followed the ambulance to the hospital, then pulled into the parking lot. We made our way to the hospital as they took Elias in.

"Matt," Nora said.

"Honey, let's find out what the doctors say before we panic," I suggested.

Nora nodded, but I knew she was upset. We entered the hospital as a nurse showed us to the back. We stood as Presley rambled off a bunch of information. Parker checked Elias's vitals as Murphy entered the room to examine Elias.

"I want an x-ray of his lungs," Murphy said after listening to Elias's chest.

Presley and Kaylee left as Parker a rail up and locked it. He released the brake and wheeled Elias to x-rays. We waited until they returned half an hour later. Parker wheeled Elias's bed back into the room and set the brake.

"The doctor will return in a few minutes after he gathers the x-ray," Parker said, leaving the room.

Nora walked over to Elias and stroke his forehead with her fingertips. I stood next to her.

"I hate when the boys get sick," Nora whispered.

"I know," I agreed.

We waited for Murphy to return. All we wanted to know is what is wrong with our boy. I stepped out to call Nate and Deacon to let them know about Elias. After I spoke to both, I went back to see Nora sitting in a chair next to Elias.

The Harper Boys (Wattpad Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora