The Gray Brothers' bakery

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After waking up and taking a shower, I pulled on sweats, a tee-shirt, and a hoodie. I grabbed a brush and pulled it through my snarls and tangles I like to refer to as my hair. That's the problem with long hair that goes to the middle of your back.

I finished, then pulled it into a ponytail. Who am I trying to impress on a Sunday? I didn't have a chance to relax before Elias knocked on my bedroom door.

"Will there ever be a Sunday I have a day of rest?" I asked Elias.

"Doubtful," Elias answered with a smirk.

I sighed as I realized life changes when you date a Harper boy. I wouldn't want it any other way.

"What do you have to interrupt my plans for laziness?" I questioned.

"I want to take you to my grandparent's bakery," Elias replied.

My expression changed to intrigue. Spending a Sunday with my boyfriend surrounded by baked goods doesn't get any better than that. We left and made our way to the car. We got in, and Elias drove us to the bakery.

When we arrived, we got out, and I ran into the bakery. Elias laughed. He found me with my face plastered against the glass of the baked goods. So many delicious items to chose from, making it challenging to pick. Ugh, why?

"Is there a reason your face is stuck to our case?" A guy asked.

I lifted my head and stared at the guy who stared back.

"You have delicious goodies, and you ask me if there's something wrong with me. Are you on crack?" I asked.

The guy glared at me. "Listen, sweetheart, buy something, or move along. I don't enjoy cleaning off the spit from random people."

"Did anyone tell you to have a pleasant disposition?" I questioned.

"No, because I don't," the guy said unamused.

"Hey, Pax," Elias greeted the guy.

"Does this one belong to you?" Pax asked, pointing at me.

"That's my girl, Tori," Elias introduced us.

"Well, she's better than the last one. What was her name? Florida?" Pax asked.

"Paris," Elias answered.

"Yeah, I don't care," Pax said, walking away.

I glimpsed at Elias, trying to figure out Pax.

"Pax is Patton's twin brother. He works here with his parents and husband," Elias explained.

"You have a big family," I mentioned.

"Yep," Elias responded.

An older guy came out who looked like a mini version of Elias's grandpa Nash.

"Hey, Elias. What brings you to the bakery?" The guy asked.

"Hey, Uncle Lex. I brought my girl here for some treats. Can we get two apple spice muffins and two lattes?" Elias asked.

"Sure thing," Lex said, getting our order.

I stared at Lex. Elias leaned in and whispered," Why are you staring?"

"I'm wondering if his real name is Lex," I whispered.

"No," Lex whispered, surprising me.

Elias snickered as Lex put our order on the counter.

"My real name is Alexander, which I found out later when I lost my memory," Lex said.

I searched for words that eluded me because I didn't have any.

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