The Harper Cousins are at it again

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After the fiasco at graduation, my parents collected my diploma. It's not my fault. No one told me about being Valedictorian. I had the shortest speech in history because I didn't have one.

I spent the summer with Elias and my friends. July 4 brought chaos from the cousins. Yes, Oliver and Kayden kissed and made up. Well, they didn't kiss, but you get the point.

Our families had a party to celebrate our graduation life would get interesting at the party, setting in motion for what's coming. It starts with a conversation and ends with a kiss involving Oliver.

Let the games begin.


Our parents planned a party for us. My cousins and I helped set up the tent, tables, and chairs. I grabbed two folding chairs and carried them to a table. I unfolded the chairs, placing them at the table.

I walked back over to the stack and grabbed two more as someone asked, "Need any help?"

I glanced at Conner.

"Since my cousins are busy, sure," I said.

Conner grabbed chairs and helped me place them at the tables.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"I'm okay. I had a rough time, but therapy helps. Plus, Kain is helping me with college."

"I didn't know you're attending college."

We unfolded chairs, setting them up.

"I want to help people. Plus, my dad treated me like I was a pansy for wanting to read."

I stopped and looked at Conner.

"You're not a pansy for reading. It makes you intelligent."

"That's what I say. I love diving into a book and taking an adventure. I spend more time at the library than going out. There's nothing like reading to broaden your mind."

"Remember the hayride when we discussed books?"

"One of the best conversations I had with someone."

I looked at Conner as my heart raced and my palms got sweaty.

"We should discuss books sometime."

"Uh, yeah. We should."

"So what are you studying?"

"Uh, ministry."

Why am I having difficulty speaking?

"You're following in your uncle's footsteps. Kain told me about the wedding. I would've liked to see it. It sounded like a great time."

"Uh, um."

What the hell? Why are my throat and mouth dry?

"Are you okay?" Conner asked.

I nodded, unable to speak.

"Well, if you get a chance, we'll talk later," he said.

I nodded like a fool as Conner grabbed more chairs. What the hell is wrong with me? No one made me speechless. Every person I talk to makes me want to smack them.

I helped Conner until my dad dragged me away. Hold up. Conner and I were having a fascinating conversation.

I carried metal pans to a table as I noticed Conner talking to Nate and Gabe. Ugh. No.

"Oliver! Hurry up!" Dad yelled.

Damn it. Okay, let me finish my tasks, then get back to my conversation. The problem I encountered is I had to mingle with family. Every time I tried to sneak away, another family member said hi.

I checked for Conner but lost him in a sea of people. FML. The one exciting person I met this entire year disappeared into a sea of people. Lord, help me!

I gave up and realized I wouldn't meet someone who intrigued me. I doubt I will meet anyone at school.

At one point, I used the bathroom. I maneuvered around people in the Deacon's house, heading to the bathroom. After I finished, I came out to noise from a bedroom.

Okay, nothing suspicious about noise in a dark bedroom. Well, I'll check it out. Someone might put me out of my damn misery.

I crept down the hallway, peering into bedrooms. I didn't see anything, so I turned to leave until someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me into a room. Yep, I'm going to die. That's what happens when you read horror books and don't watch the movies. You forget the rules.

Whoever grabbed my wrist, shoving me against the wall as my back smacked the drywall. Someone crashed their lips into mine. Okay, I'm not dying, but it feels like heaven.

Our lips moved in-sync as the person pressed their body against mine. I gripped their shirt as I kissed the person back. Sparks shot through my body as our lips moved. I don't know who I'm kissing, but it was fantastic.

The person pulled back as a light clicked on. I stared at Conner as he gazed at me. After a few minutes, he pulled away from me.

"Sorry. I assumed you felt a connection when we talked," Conner said.

I stood there like a dope.

"I wanted to talk to you after Halloween, but I figured you were busy. I thought I would take a chance. If I made a mistake, I apologize."

We get chances in our lives for happiness. We can discard an opportunity or pursue it. The choice is ours to make.

For once in my life, I didn't think but reacted. I grabbed Conner's face and crashed my lips into his, surprising him. We placed his hands on my waist as he kissed me back.

Okay, so I'm taking a chance with an unexpected someone. What do I have to lose?

I bet you're wondering what will happen. Well, I can answer your question or questions. You're getting another book to the spin-off series.

You will find out what happens to Tori and the cousins in the next book, which is Oliver's story. Sometimes, we need to explore a family dynamic as we did with the Gray family.

See you in the next book called The Harper Cousins. I'll announce when it's out.


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