Valentine's weekend

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Valentine's weekend arrived, and I made sure to pack warm clothes. Mom checked on me.

"Did you pack pants, long sleeve shirts, and wool socks?" Mom asked.

"Yes, and my thermals. I don't need to turn into a human popsicle," I answered.

Mom giggled. Who wants to stay frozen all weekend? I don't.

I zipped the bag and came downstairs to find Elias waiting for me. He took my bag from me, and we left. It's a good thing he had the car warming because it's freaking cold outside.

After Elias put my bag into the car, we got in, then left. Of course, we made our obligatory stop for snacks and pop. We got lucky because the roads were clear and the traffic was light. Elias pulled up to the cabin, and we got out, grabbing our bags and snacks.

As soon as we got inside, we took our bags to our room. Elias turned on the heat before we left to eat. Snacks are fine, but they didn't compensate for actual food. Elias drove to town and parked in front of a diner. I got out and hurried inside as he laughed. What? It's freezing. I'm not one for becoming one with nature in the Arctic.

We slid into a booth as a server came over to the table. After placing our orders, we talked.

"It surprises me you wanted to come to the cabin," I mentioned.

"Would you have preferred a movie and dinner?" Elias asked.

I contemplated his question. "No, because I want something different."

The server arrived with our pizza. We dug into our slices.

"I understand each person enjoys gifts. I prefer adventures. It keeps life interesting," I reasoned.

"I agree. Plus, I wanted to spend time with you," Elias added.

I smiled as I enjoyed my pizza. We talked as we ate, cracking jokes. People don't consider it romantic, but I beg to differ. If you can't laugh, then you can't enjoy the person in your life. Humor is essential to me. Who wants to be serious all the time?

We finished our food, taking a box of leftovers back to the cabin. As soon as we got back, Elias put logs into the fireplace. I curled on the couch as he started a fire.

"The fire should last most of the evening," Elias reasoned, joining me on the couch.

"Thank you," I said.

Elias glanced at me as I sat leaned into him.

"I spent years crushing on you. I didn't think I would be here with you. You showed me kindness when I didn't deserve it. You talked to me and made me feel important. You remembered my favorite color," I said as my voice cracked. Tears fell down my cheeks.

Elias reached over and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I never thought I would find love or someone would love me," I sniffled.

"I have loved you since we were kids. You saw me and not my deafness. You treated me as I mattered. You snuck into my hospital room when I was sick," Elias said.

I laughed between sniffles.

"I brought you here because I wanted to spend our first Valentine's together," Elias added. He removed his hand and leaned over the back of the couch. I sat there as Elias pulled up a bouquet of red roses. He handed them to me.

"How did you sneak flowers in here?" I asked.

"I bought the flowers and packed them before I picked you up. I wanted to surprise you. Every woman deserves flowers." He smiled.

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