Look who turns 18

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I awoke to a sense of dread. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the date. My door flew open. "Happy birthday!" My family yelled.

I screamed and fell out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud. Ugh, why?

"Honey, why are you on the floor?" Dad asked as I laid there.

"Oh, you know, I thought I would lie around all day," I said, not batting an eyelash.

"Well, get up," dad ordered.

I sighed as I sat up. Why can't I have a normal family who lets me sleep in? Is that too much to ask?

Gabe walked over and helped me up, then gave me a freaking wedgie. I chased after him as I tried to dig my panties out of my ass crack.

"Gabriel! You're a dead man!" I yelled, running after him.

"You're slowing down in your old age!" Gabe yelled back.

I ran and jumped into the air, landing in Gabe's back and taking his stupid ass down. I slugged him in the arm. Our parents stepped over us.

"When you get done with whatever you're doing, breakfast is ready," mom announced.

I slugged Gabe again then got off of him. I went downstairs to the table. I sat down as mom put a plate of food in front of me. The perks of your birthday, you get your favorite foods. Mom made waffles and bacon-yummy in my tummy.

I ate breakfast as someone knocked. Gabe got up and answered the door. Matt came in with a birthday bag. He set it on the table. I looked at him with curiosity.

"Nora sent me with a gift for you. She said you would love it. Mine and the boys' gifts are coming at the party," he explained.

I stood and reached into the bag. I pulled out Nora's latest graphic novel.

"Oh, my god. This novel hasn't hit the stores yet," I said with wide eyes.

"Happy Birthday, Tori," Matt said.

"Thank you," I said, hugging Matt. "Tell Nora, thank you, and I love it."

"Will do," Matt said, leaving.

I sat down and stared at the graphic novel. I adored Nora's graphic novels. I could die happy right now.


Dad came home as we waited.

"Well," mom asked.

"Tori loved your gift, which keeps her suspicions away," dad said.

Mom looked at us as I smiled. I grabbed my jacket and left to pick up Tori's gift. Well, it's a two-part gift. I went to pick up the first gift. After I collected it, I went to pick up the second part. Both were waiting for me when I arrived. I drove home and showed my family. They cheered. Yeah, they were happy.

Dad had to leave to pick up the cake from the bakery along with treats for Tori. It's not every day your girl turns eighteen, and your family adores her. My family loves Tori.


I pulled up to the bakery. I got out and went inside, making my way to the counter. Uncle Lex was stocking the cases.

"Hey, Matt," Lex greeted me.

"Hey, Uncle Lex. I came to pick up the cake," I said.

Lex nodded. "Pax! Matt's here for the cake!" He yelled.

Pax carried out a cake box and set it on the counter. I lifted the lid and chuckled. The cake looked like a bag of Doritos. I chuckled. It was perfect. Elias and Tori love Nacho Cheese Doritos.

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