Unexpected friendship

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Grandpa Michael bailed dad out of the clink while handling Nana. Yeah, Nana wanted to beat the office with his gun. We heard Don Wilson survived, then unexpectedly moved. Bye-bye Bradley Wilson, you schmuck.

After work, I stopped by to see Conner. As much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn't. That night he broke down changed our perspectives. I know it changed mine.

We sat in the living room as Conner played with his fingers and wouldn't look at me.

"How's everything going?" I asked.

"It's okay," Conner answered.

"Are you getting help?"

"Yeah, but I don't know." Conner shrugged.

"Look, I know we didn't grow up the best of friends, but it doesn't mean we can't become friends."

"Yeah," he mumbled.

I observed Conner. He fidgeted a lot when he was nervous. My guess is he did this a lot with what he endured.

My dad told me I reminded him a lot of Grampa Nate. He mentioned I thought the same way and cared as profoundly as Grampa. He was right for naming me after Grampa. I thought about it and decided.

"We're going to the Carnival on Saturday. Why don't you come and hang out?" I offered.

Conner's head snapped in my direction. He gave me a blank stare, unsure of my offer.

"The family won't hassle you. Dad talked to them about inviting you," I added, smirking.

Conner glanced at me. "Okay," was the only word he muttered.

I learned when someone breaks, so does their trust in people. Conner needed a friend.


"I still can't believe that happened," I said, blowing air past my lips. "That would explain why Bradley disappeared, not that I'm heartbroken."

Elias chuckled.

"It makes you think about people and understand them a lot better," I reasoned.

"I'm not sure if putting your kids through hell is worth it. I want to hate Conner, but I don't," Elias admitted.

"What changed your mind?"

"When you told me we put you in the middle of our war. Innocent people get hurt."

"Yeah, because I'm living proof," I retorted.

Elias rolled his eyes. "I could have gone over and beaten the hell out of Bradley, but I chose not to because of you. Plus, I don't think my mom would enjoy bailing me out of the clink after getting dad out."

Matt seems like he wouldn't hurt people."

Elias looked at me and arched an eyebrow. "You don't know my dad. He can't stand when someone hurts another person for no reason."

"Because your dad cares about decent people."

Elias looked at me as I shrugged. I grew up next to the Harpers, and Matt has always been friendly to us. It was an endearing quality to have with someone.

"Well, my dad warned me about you," Elias mentioned.

"Why?" I asked, feeling puzzled. "Does your dad think I'm a bad influence?"

Elias chuckled. "No, he doesn't want me to corrupt you or hurt you."

"I don't think your dad has to worry because I'll drop kick you in the nuts if you do."

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