Unconditional Love

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My phone rang, and I answered it to Parker, letting me know Tori was with Elias. I thanked him and called Greg. I'm sure he and Sydney don't want to find Tori gone without notice. I hung up and looked at Nora.

"It seems Tori cares a great deal about our boy," I mentioned.

"That's what we call unconditional love, Matt," Nora reasoned while smiling.

I chuckled. I know parents get upset when their kid sneaks out, but sometimes we make an exception when your kid stays with a person when they're sick. I'm sure Elias will feel better when he wakes up and sees Tori.


I woke up to someone snuggling me. I glanced to find Tori curled up next to me. I ran my fingertips through her hair as she shifted in her spot. Her eyes opened to see me looking at her. I couldn't help but smile.

"You're awake," Tori whispered.

I nodded. I didn't have my hearing aids in but could read Tori's lips. I signed to her. "I took my hearing aids out when I got home."

"Oh," Tori signed. She sat up, and I pushed myself into a seated position.

I looked around and noticed a hospital room.

"Why am I in the hospital? The last thing I remember is my bed," I signed.

"Your dad couldn't rouse you, so he called 911. You have pneumonia," Tori signed.

That would explain the heaviness I had in my chest. It feels like I weigh myself.

"The doctor gave you medicine and fluids. He wanted to make sure you felt better," Tori signed.

"I'm confused and tired. I hate getting sick," I signed back.

"I worried about you last night. So I had Deacon help me sneak in, then security busted him."

I chuckled. That doesn't surprise me with Deacon.

"I figure I'll help with his issue with Gia to pay him back. I wanted to stay with you." Tori shrugged.

"I'm glad because it was nice waking up next to you."

I stared at Tori as she turned her head. She got my attention as I saw mom and dad in the doorway. They walked towards the bed, and dad handed me my hearing aids. I put them in, then turned them on.

"I brought your hearing aids if you were awake. I figure you would want to hear us somewhat," dad mentioned.

I nodded.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asked me.

"Tired," I answered.

"Well, no work for you until you're better," mom ordered.

Work was the least of my concerns. Tori slid out of the bed as I laid back. When you don't feel right, you have no energy for anything.

"The doctor wants to keep you for a few days," dad mentioned.

I nodded. Talking was rough because of my chest. It's a good thing I can sign.

"It was nice to wake up next to Tori," I signed.

My parents gave me a look as I glanced at Tori. She smiled as I sat in bed. Most people wouldn't sneak in and stay with someone they love, but Tori did. To me, her actions spoke volumes. Now, I wanted to feel better.


I stay awhile, then my dad came and got me. Yeah, I had a lot of explaining to do. Dad wasn't happy to find out I snuck out, but he understood. His reaction surprised me too. We came to an understanding. If I sneak out again and don't tell him, I'm grounded for the rest of my life.

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