Senior year in full effect

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We returned to school and a new semester after the holidays. I grabbed my books out of my locker.

"Can you believe in five months we'll be graduating?" Gia asked me.

"Then we have college," I reminded Gia.

"You're killing me."

I chuckled. We headed to class and noticed Oliver leaning against his locker, flipping through a textbook.

"Shouldn't you study at home?" Gia asked.

"I enjoy learning," Oliver answered.

"Who the hell enjoys having their nose in a book?" Kayden asked, walking up with Jayden.

"A person with brains which you lack," Oliver retorted.

"I have a brain, but I prefer other interests." Kayden checked out a girl who walked by us. "Later, haters."

"Excuse me. I have to keep my dumbass twin from knocking up a poor unsuspecting girl," Jayden mentioned. He pivoted on his heel and ran after Kayden.

"My cousins prove my point," Oliver replied.

"Your cousins are dumbasses. Speaking of a dumbass cousin. Where is Deacon?" I asked.

Before Oliver answered, we heard yelling. "Bite me, you old bat!"

"I'm guessing he's getting suspended again," Oliver suggested.

I picked the smartest brother to date. Deacon's mouth has a way of landing him in the principal's office. If he graduates, it will be a miracle.


The client's house was on its way to be completed. We had three months left to finish it. Owen and I worked on the trim as the electrician and plumber did their jobs.

"You and Tori seem serious," Owen mentioned.

"We are, but she has college coming in the fall. Plus, building houses will help me bank money," I reasoned.

"Tori is way better than Paris."

"Paris was too self-absorb to appreciate someone other than herself."

Owen chuckled. Yeah, he didn't like Paris. My family couldn't stand Paris because of her pretentious nature. It didn't matter to me because I knew we wouldn't last. I learned that from dating.

"Valentine's Day is coming. Got any plans?" Owen asked.

"I want to do a traditional date with dinner and a movie. Some people make grand gestures, but Tori enjoys simplicity," I answered.

"Simple is good. Elias, you've never been big on extravagant gestures of love. You prefer a girl who loves movies while eating Doritos and drinking pop. Plus, Tori wants to spend time with you, not the entire city."

I chuckled. Owen knew me well.

"Hell, I have to meet the wedding planner," Owen mentioned.

"I'm sure you'll survive," I reasoned.

"Yeah, if I survive."

When I get married, I want a small wedding. An elopement doesn't sound half bad.


After we got home from school, I walked into the house and pushed off my boots with my feet. I hate the winter. You dress in several layers of clothes, which sucks when you have to use the bathroom.

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