You got to work or something like that

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My alarm went off, and I dragged my butt out of bed. Who the hell gets up at five am? Oh, I do. I turned on the shower and forgot to wait for the water to get warm. Yeah, that sucked ass.

After showering, I dressed and put my hair in a ponytail. I came out of my house to see Elias waiting for me. I sighed. I walked over to him.

"Ready?" He asked.

"No," I answered. Elias chuckled, and we got into the car.

Elias backed out and drove to the construction site.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Elias asked.

"No, because I'm not used to getting up at the butt crack of dawn. Who gets up this early?"

"Farmers," he answered.

I shook my head. Yeah, I'm never going to become a farmer. Elias pulled up to the site, and we got out of the car. I followed him as he showed me what I'd do why I'm here. I grabbed some work gloves while Elias met with the supervisor.

Hard work doesn't bother me. It's the fact that Bradley gets no punishment that ticks me off. I grabbed pieces of wood and carried them to a bin of scraps. Elias showed me that each container held different things like metal, wood, and plastic. I spent most of the time disposing of scraps.


I went over plans with the foreman. I showed him what the client wanted since I was in charge of making it get done. After I finished with the foreman, I checked with the other workers. I made sure everyone was set since we had a deadline, then checked on Tori.

I walked over to see her tossing things into the bins. She didn't complain but did what I asked. Hell, she listens better than most people. I heard banging and pounding as my work boots thumped against the wood. I held a hard hat in my hand. When I reached her, I stopped her. I handed her the hard hat.

"Thanks," Tori mumbled, putting on the hat.

"You have to wear one in construction. Watch for nails," I advised.

Tori nodded, then I went back to work. I helped Owen with the framing. I held the wood in place as Owen pounded a nail into it.

"How's Tori doing?" Owen asked me.

I glanced at Tori as she picked up metal. "Better than most girls who would complain," I answered.

"So is there a reason you brought Tori here? Don't hand me some lame bullshit of babysitting." Owen gave me a knowing look.

I gave Owen a look and smirked. He shook his head.

"You're something else, Elias. Why don't you tell Tori?"

"I don't want Tori to think I'm not serious." I shrugged.

"That girl has had the biggest crush on you forever. To her, you're everything and more. You have to show her you are."

"I plan on it."

Owen nodded. We worked up until lunch, then stopped. I walked over to Tori and tapped her on the shoulder. She stopped and looked at me.

"It's lunchtime," I mentioned.

"I didn't bring lunch," Tori said.

"Then it's a good thing I did. Come on," I said, waving Tori to follow me.

We walked to the car, and I popped the trunk. I pulled out a cooler, then shut the lid. We walked over to a table, and I set the cooler down. We sat, and I opened it. I pulled out a sandwich and handed it to her, then grabbed one. I gave her pop and chips.

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