Spring break

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After what happened at the reception, Elias talked to Owen. Owen told Elias I had made the reception entertaining. Plus, Wendy's cousin deserved what she got. I will never understand people who interfere in someone's relationship. If you crave excitement, go on an adventure.

Elias and Owen completed the house. Their work satisfied the client who suggested them to other clients. It made me happy for Elias. He deserves success.

Now with the house finished, he had a chance to go with me on spring break. I couldn't wait since we're going to Orlando, Florida. I forgot one minor detail. Elias's brothers, cousins, Gabe, and Gia are joining us. Lucky for me, we're one big happy family.

I checked my suitcase and made sure I had what I needed. Nothing is worse than traveling and forgetting an essential item like deodorant or pads. I remember taking a trip with my family, and mom had to run into a store for me. It's not my fault I forgot pads. Plus, I was still getting the hang of my period. I've gotten better.

After checking twice, I zipped my suitcase. Someone tapped my door. I turned to see Elias leaning against my doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep. I can't wait."

Elias strolled into my bedroom and grabbed my bag, carrying it downstairs for me.

"What the hell did you pack? Your entire room?" Elias grunted.

"No. I packed clothes, shoes, and personal items."

"Did you include a safe?"

We stopped, and my face contorted in annoyance. My boyfriend is a comedian.

I shook my head as we left the house. Most girls bring more than one bag. I brought one. Elias should count his lucky stars.

He put my luggage in the trunk, and we headed to the airport. Everyone else arrived after us as we checked in and waited to board our flight. Now, each of our parents had a talk with us about spring break. They told us not to drink and to stay out of jail. Who the hell goes on vacation and lands in jail?

I sat in a chair as Elias sat next to me. Deacon and Nate are talking to Gia and Gabe. The psycho twins and Oliver paid for overpriced vending machine food. Owen and Wendy checked the boarding times. Yeah, hanging out in the airport sucks.

The airport announced we could board the plane. Elias and I found our seats, sitting in the middle row with Owen and Wendy. I didn't mind flying since it's faster than a car. Plus, who doesn't enjoy thousands of feet in the sky where you can crash to your death?

"What?" Elias asked, glancing at me.

"I'm wondering about crashing while in mid-air," I mentioned.

Elias rolled his eyes. "Will you stop jinxing us?"

"It's a thought which doesn't mean it will happen."

"Famous last words."

"If we crash, would we use one of the inflatable slides?"


"Will the crew give us floatation devices?"

"Knock it off!"

I giggled as Elias glared at me.

"Not funny," he huffed.

Before I said another word, Elias removed his hearing aids. The altitude makes your ears pops affects deaf people the same as people who hear. The difference with Elias, he would listen to anything.

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