Hanging out

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I woke up with a fat lip: freaking, Bradley. I laid in bed, thinking of ways to get even with his stupid ass. What in the hell was I thinking? I can't believe I dated that schmuck. I sighed.

Well, nature calls as I got out of bed and came out of my room. I passed Gabe's bedroom on my way to the bathroom, then stopped. I backed up to see Elias in Gabe's bedroom. I walked in, feeling confused.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Elias turned around as Gabe came into his room. He handed Elias a book.

"Here's the book you wanted," Gabe mentioned.

I shook my head and went to the bathroom. As I sat there on the toilet, it dawned on me, Elias saw me in my PJs. Well, shit.


Gabe handed me the book. "Is there a reason why you asked for a book?  I didn't think this was part of the plan," he mentioned to me.

"We need to keep this natural. Now you do your part," I said.

Gabe nodded as I saw Tori dart past his doorway. I chuckled. She was adorable. We left Gabe's bedroom and went downstairs.

"Hey, Elias. Would you like to stay for breakfast?" Sydney asked me. She's setting the table with plates.

"I would love to," I answered.

Everyone had plans for me to fake date Tori. I had my plans. Tori didn't know it yet, but she would know what a real man looks like. Bradley Wilson is a dipshit and didn't deserve Tori. It didn't matter. No guy would ever be good enough for her, except me.


I grabbed clothes and rushed to the bathroom, so Elias didn't see me in my PJs. I showered, then dressed. I threw my hair into a ponytail. I came downstairs and walked over to the table. I sat down, then looked up to see Elias sitting across from me.

"Why are you here?" I asked Elias.

"Tori, don't be rude," my mom told me. She passed my dad a plate. Dad snickered.

"Your mom invited me for breakfast. I accepted," Elias said with a shrug.

"Don't you have a home that serves breakfast?" I questioned.

"Yes, and my mom makes excellent breakfast," Elias countered.

"Then why don't you eat there?"

"Because I wouldn't see your sourpuss." Elias smiled.

"I don't have a sourpuss," I grumbled.

"You look like you sucked on a lemon," Elias said.

I looked at Elias with confusion. Gabe was laughing, and my dad was chuckling. I'm so glad they found amusement in my situation.

"So Elias, what are your plans?" Mom asked between bites.

"I'm working in construction, designing houses," Elias answered, surprising me.

"Nora told me a girl broke up with you," mom mentioned.

Real subtle there, mom.

"Yeah, the girl was a flake who didn't like someone who's deaf," Elias answered.

I stopped mid-bite. "Why?" I asked.

Elias looked at me. "Because the girl wasn't the right girl for me. It doesn't matter," he said.

"The girl is stupid if she can't see past your deafness," I said, feeling irritated. Elias is deaf. So what? A disability shouldn't matter to someone.

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