An understanding

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Matt went to Dad's office to deal with the situation with Don Wilson. It took a few days, but Gabe finally talked to Gia. Yeah, she slapped him, but he deserved it. My brother is an idiot. After the slap that echoed around the neighborhood, they ended things.

As for Elias and me, we came to an understanding that we're both idiots with our feelings. It was a mutual understanding between us. We still hung out in the evening and all day on the weekends. What can I say? We have a good time together.

On Saturday, we had a movie marathon with different films. Elias carried bags of snacks into my bedroom. I supplied the pop. We sat on the floor as he dumped the chips and candy into the middle of the floor.

"Did you buy out a 7-11?" I asked, opening a bag of nacho cheese Doritos.

"Almost but no," Elias answered.

I popped a chip into my mouth as I handed Elias a Coke. I picked up a Pepsi. We looked at each other and traded. Don't ask, because it was our thing.

I searched through Netflix to find a movie. I turned it on, and we settled in to watch the film.

"Why is that girl pretending to be a guy?" Elias asked me.

"The girl likes the guy but wants to get to know him," I said.

"And the girl couldn't say, hey, I like you?"

I looked at Elias, and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know, it was a dumb question."

I chuckled. We finished watching the movie, then Elias picked the next film. He chose horror as I leaned with my back against my bed.

We sat there, and every time someone jumped in the movie, I jumped in my spot, throwing chips everywhere. Elias laughed. I threw a chip at him, and he threw candy at me. My boyfriend is a goober.


I strolled over to Gia's house with my hands shoved into my jean pockets and whistling. I reached her door and knocked. I waited then kept knocking until Gia came to the door.

"Deacon? What are you doing here?" Gia asked me, giving me a strange look.

"I thought we could hang out. You know, since Tori is busy sucking face with my brother," I answered with a shrug.

"Does Tori seem like the girl who sucks face all the time?" Gia questioned me.

"Have you met my brother?" I arched a brow.

"Good point. Come in," Gia said, stepping aside.

I went into the house, and we went into the living room.

"I was watching movies since there's nothing happening today," Gia mentioned.

"Works for me," I said as I walked over to a couch and sat down.

Gia sat down at the end and curled up. She grabbed the remote and pressed play. I leaned back and got comfy.

"So I heard you and Gabe broke up," I mentioned, looking at the screen.

The movie stopped, and I looked at Gia.

"I won't ask how you heard since I know. But yeah, we broke up. It's better than being with someone who isn't into you," Gia mentioned.

"I would rather be upfront with a girl than lead her on. What's the point of dragging something out? It's the same as beating a dead horse. I'm sure the horse is dead. There's no need to keep making sure."

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