Normal is a dryer setting

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After what happened at Halloween, Matt made a helpful suggestion to my parents. He mentioned that it helped Nora when she got attacked. Dad turned our garage into a junkyard. He put metal, glass, and anything else I could hit with a sledgehammer. Yep, you heard correct, a sledgehammer.

Being a lawyer, dad made sure everyone wore personal protection equipment. Ah, lawyers. You got to love them. They don't like it when someone uses them for injury.

"Okay, so, you take the sledgehammer and smash anything in the circle. Don't smash me," dad warned while pointing at me.

I gave my dad a weird look. My dad worries too much. I doubt I would hit him.

My family and the Harpers watched me as I picked up the sledgehammer with both hands. I tightened my grip, then let loose. I proceeded to smash anything I could and slam the sledgehammer into metal, denting it. Oh, I dented it over and over and over. I imagined it was Tim's head. I let it rip as I pounded the metal.

"Damn, Tori has a mouth on her," Nate mentioned.

Elias gave Nate a look and rolled his eyes.

I lifted the sledgehammer, dropping it onto the metal. I thought about Tim watching me. Bam! I remember him staring at me when I dated Bradley. Bam! The last straw was when he attacked me. Bam! Bam! Bam! Crash!

I stood there, letting go of the sledgehammer. It dropped onto the cement with a clang. I stared at the mass destruction that laid in front of me, then I cried. I got tired of bottling my emotions. Words people said to me, how they treated me, and trying to hide it, came out-arms wrapped around me, engulfing me as I sobbed.

"Shh, I got you," dad whispered as I nodded. I needed my dad. A girl needs their father to comfort them during rough times. I know I did.

I stopped crying as Dad turned me to face him. I sniffled while wiping my eyes.

"It's okay to get angry, frustrated, and upset. No one will fault you for handling a traumatic experience," Dad reassured me.

"I'm tired of people not seeing me, but as a tomboy," I said, surprising everyone.

"What do you mean, hun?" Mom asked.

"It's stupid," I mumbled.

"Come on, Tori. Tell us," Gabe coaxed.

The problem is, I couldn't. I didn't know how to explain my feelings.

"Tori doesn't want people to look at her as a tomboy. She wants people to see her for the amazing person she is. A girl who laughs at stupid stuff, eats junk food, can rock a dress with sneakers. Someone who sneaks into a hospital to stay with someone who's sick," Elias said as we looked at him. "I see all that and more."

I looked at Elias as he looked at me. I could not love him more than I do. In fact, I love him more. We get each other in a way no one understands.


Greg let go of Tori, and I stepped over smashed items, making my way to her. I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped her arms around my torso and hugged me.

I have known Tori since she was four. I watched her grow up with us. While my brothers and her brother teased her, I watched her hold her ground.

I pulled back and placed my hands on her face. I looked into her eyes. "You're the strongest woman I know. If people can't see it, then they miss the point."

Tori looked at me as she pulled in her bottom lip. The love I feel for Tori doesn't compare to my feelings with my ex-girlfriends. They didn't possess the qualities of Tori. It makes me glad that it never worked out with my exes.

"Okay, let's go in because it's cold out here," Greg announced while rubbing his arms.

We went in through the garage door and into the kitchen. Dad was the last one in and closed the door behind him. Sydney went to the pantry and grabbed packets of hot cocoa. Mom helped her by holding mugs. The rest of us sat down at the table. Dad and Greg talked. Nate, Deacon, and Gabe talked about god knows what. I draped my arm around Tori's shoulder. One day, I hope I have a family, and we hang out like everyone is doing.


Mom and Nora made hot cocoa for everyone, adding marshmallows to the cups. They brought cups over to each of us. Then they joined us.

"Okay, someone has a birthday coming up," mom mentioned, giving me a look.

Everyone looked at me as I sighed.

"Do we have to celebrate my birthday?" I asked.

"Yes, we do. Stop being stubborn," mom answered.

"Yeah, that's right. You're turning eighteen, which means you're an old hag," Gabe teased.

"Gabriel, don't call your sister an old hag," dad said, sipping his cocoa.

"Well, you're an old geezer," I retorted.

"Uh, no. Dad's an old geezer," Gabe countered.

Dad gave Gabe a look.

"Well, you are," Gabe said, smirking.

Mom rolled her eyes. Elias chuckled as I shook my head.

"I wouldn't mind coming to your birthday party," Elias mentioned.

I glanced at Elias as I groaned.

"Plus, every girl deserves a special gift for their eighteenth birthday," he added.

"It better not be the gift that gives us another family member," Matt mentioned.

We gave Matt a strange look.

"No, dad. I'm not you," Elias huffed.

"I'm checking because surprises happen," Matt said.

"Only because you forgot your raincoat," Nora muttered.

"Ew, gross!" Elias, Nate, and Deacon groaned.

Why must adults discuss their sex life? No one wants to hear about their parents' sex life. It makes you never want sex.

"Well, since Tori's birthday is next week, we'll have a party for her," mom suggested.

"I'll see if Uncle Lex will make Tori's cake," Matt mentioned.

"Ooh, I love the cakes from The Gray Brothers Bakery. They're so delicious," mom squealed. That's disturbing.

"Ooh, we could plan the party together," Nora mentioned to mom. Great, our mothers are planning my birthday party.

"Can we have a bounce house?" Deacon asked.

Everyone looked at Deacon.

"You do know it's November, right?" Matt asked Deacon.

"Who cares? It's freaking Michigan. We get a heatwave in February," Deacon retorted.

"Boy, you're not normal," Matt commented.

"Normal is a dryer setting," Deacon countered.

Deacon's abnormal, which his suggestion doesn't surprise me. While everyone discussed my birthday, Elias gave my hand a gentle squeeze. I looked at our hands as he gave me three quick contractions. I glimpsed at Elias, who smiled. I gave his hand three short squeezes. We developed our own language by expressing ourselves. It will help if Elias's hearing aids quit working.

Heaven knows what will happen at my birthday party. Elias piqued my curiosity with his gift. I couldn't wait.


I couldn't wait to give Tori my gift. I got the call earlier today. I know she'll love it. Sometimes, we need people to show us how important we mean to them.

I knew what I wanted to do for Tori's eighteenth birthday for a while. The phone call put the icing on the proverbial cake. After the past few months, Tori needed happiness besides me. Who wouldn't be happy with me? I'm delightful even if my parents have doubts.

I'll let you guess what Elias's gift is. You'll find out next chapter.

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