Going to the cabin

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I packed a bag full of clothes and personal items. I'm older than I was the last time I went. Five years changes people. I zipped up my gear and carried it downstairs.

I came outside and put my bag into Gabe's car when he backed out and left. What in the hell? I stood there, pissed off.

"Gabe took Gia and my brothers with him. It looks like you're riding with me," Elias announced.

I walked towards Elias. "My brother is a goober," I mentioned.

Elias chuckled. He took my bag from me and put it in the trunk. I got into the front passenger side and turned to see packs of snacks on the backseat. Elias got in and closed his door.

"Do you have enough snacks?" I pointed to the bags.

Elias turned his head and looked. "You can never have too many snacks. Plus, we have snacks. My brothers forgot to grab some."

I laughed. That will teach Gabe to leave without me. Elias backed out of the driveway and drove toward the cabin. He went down the expressway as I grabbed a bag. I opened it. I held up Twizzlers and Sweetarts.

"Pick one," I said.

Elias glanced at me. "Is that a question?"

I tossed the Sweetarts into the bag and opened the Twizzlers. I handed him one, and he took it. We snacked on Twizzlers in the car.

"Let's play a game," Elias suggested.

"Oh, not that game," I groaned.

"It's tradition. You can't break tradition," Elias told me.

I groaned. "Fine."

"Movies or music," Elias said.

"Musicals," I answered.

"Smartass," Elias said.

"Popcorn or candy."

"Candy corn," Elias said.

We looked at each other, then laughed. We played a game with two options. You had to pick one. We found a loophole and combined both. It would piss off Nate. He said we cheated. Nate never told us we couldn't select a combination. He should have made the rules more transparent.

We played the game for a while then talked.

"Are you ready for your senior year?" Elias asked me.

"I would if I didn't have to see Bradley Wilson," I said, making a face.

"I doubt Deacon, the psycho twins, and Oliver will let Bradley near you."

"I can't believe I dated Bradley. I don't know what I was thinking." I sighed.

"You didn't keep your options open. I picked some doozies."

"It sounds like it. Why would you date someone like the last girl?"

"Owen set me up. He doesn't have taste in women and got lucky with Wendy."

I giggled. Talking to Elias reminded me of when we were younger. We would talk about anything and everything. I'm glad he came home.


"Christ, Gabe. Could you go any faster?" I asked.

"Weren't you the one that said peel out of there?" Gabe asked me.

"Yeah, but I didn't mean to give us whiplash, you dick," I answered.

Gabe shrugged. Since Nash and Grayson moved, I hung out with Gabe more. We were the same age.

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