Antics galore

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Elias and I returned on Sunday from the cabin. It wasn't bad except for getting chased by a bear. I forgot a bear roams around the woods.

Monday came, and so did school. The plus side is no Bradley Wilson. The other side is watching Deacon, and his cousins do stupid shit like fighting. Yeah, they landed in the principal's office. I shook my head.

I closed my locker as Gia, and I walked to class.

"How was your alone time with Elias at the cabin?" Gia asked me.

"It was good except when a bear chased us," I said.

Gia giggled.

"I forgot about the bear. What about Deacon? Are you still dancing around the idea of dating?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah? Screw you!" Deacon yelled in front of us as he flipped some guy off.

"It's left to be determined," Gia said as I snickered.

Deacon turned and faced us. "You always get me guy who gets pissed because his girl talks to you," he told us, raising his finger.

"It must be the Harper charm," I said, holding my books in my arm and my other hand on my hip.

"Nope, it's some girl trying to piss off her dumbass boyfriend. Why in the hell do I want a taken woman? If the girl isn't single, then I wait," Deacon said with a smirk.

Gia and I looked at Deacon like he's insane.

"Someone save me," Oliver groaned.

"Now, what?" I asked.

"Owen proposed to Wendy, and I have to stand up. Since I'm his brother, it's a requirement," Oliver huffed.

"So what? Elias is Owen's best man. Plus, you throw in our family, your mom's side, and Wendy's family, that's a party," Deacon said.

"When is the big day?" I asked.

"Sometime next year. I zone out after getting told I'm standing up. Weddings suck," Oliver groaned.

I shook my head as Kayden and Jayden ran towards us and skidded to a halt.

"Is Oliver still whining about his brother's upcoming nuptials?" Kayden asked.

"Yes," we said.

"Quit your bitching, Bucky. Enjoy the fact next year you'll be at college landing hit college girls," Jayden reasoned.

"That's if you graduate," Deacon told Jayden.

"Oh, I'm graduating and spreading my wings. It's time to fly the coop," Jayden said. Kayden nodded in agreement.

I listened to the others discuss their plans after graduation. I realize I won't be joining them.


"What do you think?" I asked Bradley. My heart pounded in my chest, waiting for Bradley to finish reading my story.

Bradley handed it back to me. "It lacks and is boring," he said.

I furrowed my brows and took the paper from him.

"I didn't like it." Bradley shrugged.

"Oh," I whispered.

"I don't know why people claim something is good when it sucks. I don't want my girl to waste her time on something she's not good at doing."

I looked at Bradley while holding the paper in my hands.

"Put your tomboyish ways to use and study a trade. It suits you better. I got to go," Bradley said. He got up from my bed and left as I stood there.

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