All hell breaks loose

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Warning: this chapter will contain disturbing information. I advise reader discretion.


The incident with Elias's car at homecoming shook me. Matt showed up with Markus. He had Elias's car towed to the shop. They called the police and filed a report. I became unnerved by the events. A happy occasion ended on a sour note.

I wanted it over so I could focus on happier times. The police said they would visit Tim Wilson and handle it. I hope they catch him. Then I could find peace.

After that night, Elias spent time with me, and the boys stayed close to me. The problem with this is you develop a false sense of security. You let your guard down, thinking everything is okay. I would find out the hard way why you don't.

The following Friday arrived. Elias and I planned a movie night. Since he had to work a little later, I went to get snacks from the corner store. It's still light out since the sun didn't set until about six in the evening.

I made sure I had enough money and told mom where I was going. Elias text me a meme. I chuckled. He's crazy. I slipped my phone into my pocket as I walked to the store.

I walked into the store, grabbing chips and candy. I know Elias likes sour candy and Doritos. I made sure I grabbed his favorite snacks. I took the items to the counter and paid. The clerk bagged my snacks, then I paid. I took the bags and left the store.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. I chuckled as I looked at Elias's message. I started typing without noticing someone on the side of the building. I felt someone grip my arms, making me drop my bags and phone. Before I had a chance to react, a fist came flying at my face.

I fell to the ground as I touched my face, noticing the blood. I scrambled to my feet as I tried to run. The person grabbed me, throwing me against the brick wall. I slammed into it, dropping to my knees. I glanced to see black shoes. The person grabbed my hair, flipping a knife showing a blade.

I swung as the blade sliced my arm. A scream erupted from my lips as I struggled.

"You stupid bitch!" The person barked.

I knew that voice. Oh, God. I clawed at Tim as I felt my hair yanked. He swung the blade as I shielded my face. He sliced my palm as I screeched. I fought, hitting him in the nuts. He released me as I scrambled to my feet. I heard movement as Tim staggered towards me. I grabbed a piece of asphalt and swung at him as I hit him. He fell back as I got to my feet.

"What the hell?" Someone said.

I didn't wait as I dropped the piece of asphalt and ran. I held my arm with my hand in the air as I ran. I heard yelling and thumping as I picked up speed. I ran to the Harper's house. I made it and pounded on the door.

"Open up!" I screamed. I heard footsteps as I pounded on the door. "Please!"

The door opened as Nate looked at me, shocked.

"Tori?" Nate asked.

I pushed past him as Deacon came out of his room. His face contorted to shock. My breathing increased as my heart pounded. Blood moved down my arm.

"Sonofabitch," Nate said, leaving the house.

Deacon came over to me as I heard tires squeal. I made my way to the screen door as I watched Elias get out of the car. Nate told Elias about me as Tim stood on the sidewalk with the knife. Elias walked over to Tim and let it rip. I stepped out of the house with Deacon as Nate was on the phone. I stood there watching Elias beat the hell out of Tim.

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