The start

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Elias pulled into the parking lot, and we got out of the car. He pulled out his phone and looked at it.

"Do you have some girl contacting you?" I asked.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Elias asked, glancing at his phone.

"Whatever," I answered.

"No, Nate, text me. They're going to grab a bite. Good luck, Nate and Deacon, with Gabe's driving," Elias mentioned.

I snickered. We went into the store, and Elias grabbed a cart. We picked up the essentials for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. While Elias waited at the deli counter, I went to the baked goods.

I checked out the different items in the bakery. I picked up an apple pie.

"What are you doing?" Elias asked me.

"It seems I'm holding a pie," I answered.

"No, shit. Why?"

"Because everyone likes pie." I grinned.

Elias chuckled. "We sure do."

"You're a dirty boy." I rolled my eyes.

"Better to be dirty than clean," Elias retorted. He laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

I put the pie into the cart, then grabbed some cookies and cupcakes. You can never have too many sweets. We finished shopping and went to the checkout lane.

Now, most people set their groceries on the belt-like ordinary people. We're not normal. We tossed everything onto the belt as the cashier rang up our items.

The lady bagged everything as I put the bags into the cart. After she finished, Elias paid her. We left the store and walked to the car.

"I don't understand why everyone went to dinner when we went grocery shopping," I mentioned.

"Have you met my brothers?" Elias asked with a look.

"I grew up with your brothers. Deacon harasses me."

"Better you than me," Elias said, putting the groceries in the trunk.

"Do you wish you had sisters instead?" I asked.

"Oh, God, no. My mom is crazy enough for all of us. She drives my dad up the wall when she rearranges the furniture."

"Why does Nora do that? I never asked her."

"Mom says she gets bored. Dad trips over it because he forgets she changed things. It's better than changing her hair, which she did. Yeah, that was a fun year."

"Your dad doesn't seem to mind. He looks at your mom with adoration."

"Dad said that he was a dumbass with Mom. He got lucky when she moved across the street. Plus, she electrocuted him."

I did a double-take. "How does someone electrocute a person?"

"It happens when someone flips the breaker. Don't ever do that to someone."

I giggled. I loved Matt and Nora. Most couples become dull. Nora isn't dull.

We got into the car, and Elias drove back to the cabin.

"Now you're free from the clutches of whiskey dick. How does it feel?" Elias asked.

"Relief," I answered.

Elias glanced at me.

"I felt like I had to stay with Bradley."


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