Confusion doesn't explain things

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Since I couldn't move much, Deacon brought my homework to me. Isn't that nice of him? Remind me to throw the book at him when I felt better.

Gia came over to hang out with me after school. Finally, some girl time without the raging testosterone.

"Well, you look like a bus hit you," Gia mentioned, cringing.

"Uh, thanks," I said with an annoyed look.

Gia shrug, sitting down on my bed with me.

"How's life confined at home?" Gia asked me.

"Well, Elias came over last night, and we argued," I said.

Gia looked at me.

"Then he kissed me," I added.

Gia's eyes bugged out of her head when I said that.

"What?" Gia exclaimed.

I sat there thinking about what I wanted to say.

"Elias kissed you! What the hell?" Gia yelled, smacking me.

I looked at her, appalled. "What the hell?" I smacked her back, aggravating my ribs. "Why did you hit me?"

"Because I panicked," she said with a shrug.

My left eye twitched.

"Does this mean you're a couple?" She asked.

"You don't become a couple the minute someone kissed you. What is wrong with you?" I questioned.

"How long was it before you kissed Bradley?"

"Ew, gross and a month," I said.

"Reference point," Gia reasoned.

"How about we not talk about my kiss and talk about my brother?" I changed the subject.

"What is going on with Gabe?" Gia asked.

"Don't you know?"

"If I knew, don't you think I wouldn't ask?"

"Valid point," I reasoned.

"It's like his head is somewhere else. We haven't spent time together lately. I don't even know if Gabe is into me."

I looked at Gia. "Did you talk to Gabe?"

"I try, but he tells me nothing is wrong. I mean, if he likes someone else, then tell me." Gia looked at me.

"I would talk to Gabe," I suggested.

Gia shrugged. "Now back to you, locking lips with Elias. Was it everything you dreamt?"

"No," I said, shaking my head.

Gia arched a brow at me.

I looked at her. "It was more." My lips curled into a smile. Gia smiled.


I packed up as Owen walked over to me. "How's Tori?" He asked.

"Bruised, but a fighter," I reasoned.

"Oliver said it was bad."

"I wanted to go over to Bradley Wilson's house, drag him out and beat the living hell out of him."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because Tori made me realize that she got put in the middle of our war. I don't want her to suffer."

Owen looked at me with concern.

"Bradley only dated Tori to get even with me. The worst part is I made her feel like her feelings didn't matter."

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