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Mother Nature hit in more ways than one. We got a freak snowstorm, and my uterus exploded. My uterus didn't explode, but it felt like it did. Mom received the announcement for school closure, and I groaned.

I would jump up and down for joy if I weren't in pain. I dragged my butt out of bed and took care of my issue. Why can't Mother Nature visit and tell us we're not pregnant? It would make life so much better.

I came downstairs, gripping my stomach as mom giggled.

"Tori, you act so dramatically," mom mentioned.

"My uterus is being ripped into two, and you make jokes," I groaned.

"It's part of being a woman."

"This part sucks. Guys have it easy. They don't have to worry about bleeding and not dying."

Mom laughed. I'm glad she finds amusement in my discomfort. I took two ibuprofens, then went back to bed. Kill me now.


With the snowstorm, no one was working on the site. Owen prayed for work, but he didn't get lucky. What he got was more wedding planning. Yeah, elopement is looking better each day.

I got a text from Tori.

Kill me now. - baby girl

If I kill you, then I get no loving. - me

You suck. - baby girl

That's your job. - me

I chuckled after her next text. I knew the drill. Dad taught us when Mother Nature visited mom. I went to the kitchen and searched the cabinets, finding chocolate. I grabbed it, along with a heating pad.

I pulled on my winter coat and grabbed the items before trudging through the snow. I made sure to cover my ears, so my hearing aids didn't get wet. I tapped the door as Sydney opened it. I walked in, brushing off the snow.

"Tori's upstairs, bemoaning being a woman," Sydney joked.

"Yeah, dad has to listen to mom," I replied.

Sydney laughed. I removed my boots, coat, and knit hat. Sydney took them as I went upstairs, carrying the items. I found Tori curled into a ball under the covers. I snickered.

"I'm glad you find humor in my situation," Tori groaned.

"Settle down, Esmeralda. I brought chocolate and a heating pad," I reasoned.

Tori perked up when I mentioned chocolate. I plugged in the heating pad and moved her covers. She whined.

"Hush, woman," I ordered.

Tori whimpered as I placed the heating pad on her stomach, then turned it on. I climbed over her, settling in next to her with the chocolate bars. I handed one to Tori, and she tore open the wrapper.

"Better?" I asked.

"Much," Tori said, biting into chocolate.

Snow fell outside as I laid propped up next to Tori.

"How come you're not working?" Tori asked me.

"We didn't want to drag snow into the new house, ruining the floors. Owen prayed for work, so he doesn't have to deal with wedding planning," I mentioned.

Tori giggled as I snickered.

"I never got the concept of having a big wedding. You spend more time worrying about details than enjoying the day. I want a small wedding when I get married," Tori reasoned.

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