Crazy is as crazy does

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After the trip to the apple orchard, I shook the thought of Tim from my mind. I'm reading too much into it. I'm sure it's nothing. It's not like people go to the apple orchard because they know someone will be there.

I made the best of my time with school and Elias since October arrived. I can't believe Elias, and I are dating. It seems surreal to me. Then again, the way things have been going, it doesn't matter.

I'm still limited to physical activity because my ribs were healing. The brace helped. I'll be happy when the doctor gives me the all-clear to take it off.

"How much longer until you go back to the doctors?" Oliver asked me as we sat at lunch.

"Two weeks," I said while eating.

"That's some crazy shit," Kayden mentioned.

"Crazy is as crazy does," I replied.

"Where's Deacon? He never misses lunch," Jayden mentioned.

That's a good question since Gia isn't here either. My guess is Deacon is trying to make time with Gia. A few minutes later, Gia sat down with her tray of food. Well, there goes that idea.

"What took you so long?" Kayden asked Gia.

"Who thought swimming is a great idea before lunch?" Gia asked.

"You should have swum faster," Jayden said.

Gia rolled her eyes, making me giggled.

"I hate this part of gym class. I almost miss lunch because I have to finish laps," Gia grumbled. She looked at me. "You're so lucky you don't have to take the Gym."

"I'm not sure having two broken ribs is lucky," I retorted as the others snickered.

"Besides the broken ribs, which sucks," Gia said, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"You didn't happen to see Deacon, did you?" Oliver asked.

"Not since the second period," Gia mentioned.

That's odd that no one knows where Deacon is. I'll ask him later why he skated at lunch.


After class, I went out to my car to grab something. I noticed Tim Wilson sitting in his car across from the school parking lot. What the hell is he doing here? I should ask him since Bradley goes to another school.

I grabbed what I needed and started walking towards Tim. He saw me and took off. I stopped and watched his car drive towards the end of the street and turn.

Out of the Wilson brothers, Tim didn't say much. Conner was busy having a go at Elias, and Elias would beat the hell out of him. Bradley ran his mouth, which caused his ass to get kicked. Tim kept his mouth shut. It still didn't answer my question about why he was sitting in his car.

"You know if you plan on skipping class, getting caught helps," Grayson said.

I turned around to see Grayson standing in the parking lot. I strolled over to him. "You're like a bad toe fungus. You keep returning," I countered.

Grayson rolled his eyes.

"I thought you lived in a different city. What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"Skipping school," Grayson smirked.

I shook my head. "You never change."

"I'm half O'Neil and half Gray. Have you met our family?"

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