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Greg and I made our way to the restaurant until we saw someone in a car in the ditch.

"That's Gabe's car," Greg mentioned.

I pulled over to the car. We got out as Greg ran toward it. I went to the trunk and popped it. I grabbed some tools, then made my way to the car.

I walked up, shocked. Bradley Wilson was helping Gabe from the passenger side.

"Gabriel!" Greg yelled. "Wake up!"

"He's in shock," Bradley said.

Greg moved out of the way as I checked the area. The accident pinned Gabe in the car. I used metal grips to pry the steering wheel from Gabe's leg.

"I need you both to pull Gabe, but carefully. On the count of three," I said as they nodded. Bradley grabbed Gabe's underarms as Greg held Gabe's legs. "One. Two. Three," I said as they moved him onto the seat. I released the grips as the steering column dropped.

Gabe's pants had a tear, turning a dark red.

"We need something to stop the bleeding," I said.

Greg applied pressure as Bradley ran to his truck. He grabbed something, hurrying back. I grabbed the shirt, tearing it into strips, then tying the ribbon around Gabe's leg.

Sirens sounded in the distance as a police car pulled up. An officer got out, making his way over. He yelled to another officer as Greg applied pressure to the wound. More sirens sounded as an ambulance and fire truck pulled up. We moved out of the way so the paramedics could take care of Gabe.

Bradley spoke to the cops, giving his statement. The paramedics loaded Gabe onto the stretcher as Greg went with him. I had the task of telling Sydney and Tori. I trudge back to the car, putting the grips away, then getting into the car. The storm raged as I drove back home.


Elias got a fire started in the fireplace as we kept warm under blankets. Mom paced, waiting to hear about Gabe. Nora kept reassuring mom.

"Dad and Greg will find Gabe," Deacon mentioned, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, sure," Elias added, joining me on the couch.

Nate sat in the chair, not saying a word. I didn't blame him. We heard a car pull in as we waited. Who would walk through the door?

A few minutes later, the handle turned as Matt opened the door and came in without Dad or Gabe. Mom rushed to Matt as I sat on the couch.

"Did you find Gabe?" Mom asked.

"We found his car in a ditch," Matt mentioned.

I watched Mom's face drop.

"Gabe had a car accident, but he's on his way to the hospital. Greg went with him," Matt reassured mom.

"Oh, my God," mom gasped.

"I know you want to go to the hospital, but the roads are terrible. Plus, Gabe was lucky. Bradley Wilson stopped and helped him," Matt mentioned.

"What?" Deacon and Nate exclaimed.

Matt shot them a look as they settled down.

"We don't know why Bradley was at the accident scene. We know that he smashed the car window and cut the seatbelt," Matt added.

As much as I disliked Bradley, I felt relieved.

"Nate and Deacon, help me bring in wood for the fireplace. The storm knocked out the electricity," Matt told the boys.

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