Part 15

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I had the next 2 days off. I spent them with George. I was on Hunt's service today. Him and Cristina have been fighting so she's been staying here. "Dr. Shepherd you are helping Kepner run the pit." Hunt said before walking off. George was there as well. "Why does he hate me so much?!" I said snapping a pair of gloves on and putting a gown on. "I don't know man. He probably hate's everyone but Teddy and Cristina." George said. Teddy was head of cardio and Hunt's friend back in Iraq. "You're most likely right." I said going outside to wait for the ambulance. "I'm always right!" George said. Then the ambulance arrived and it didn't look good. He kept crashing but eventually we got him stable.


I heard Hunt tell George that he would be a great trauma surgeon in Iraq. I hated being on Hunt's service. He made me do all of his scut. Jerk. "Y/N!" Mark said. "Mark!" I said mocking him. "You're on my service tomorrow!" He said giving me a thumbs up. "Yay!" I said excited. I loved spending time with Mark he's always got something smart to say. "You'll do great!" Mark said reassuring me. "I know! I'm always great!" I said laughing and smiling. "If you say so." Mark said shrugging and walking off.


It was now time to go home. Such a long day. Any day in the pit is always a long one because people are idiots and do stupid stuff. I walked in and plopped down on the recliner. April, Soda, and Sylvia were all on the couch. "Hey Soda? How's the gang?" I asked him. "They're good." He said but then mouthed "disappointed." "That's good." I said back. "I'm alright I promise." I mouthed back. "Y/N? When is your dad coming home?" Sylvia asked. "Any moment." I said with a fake smile. Then he walked in the house and I ran up to him and hugged him. "Dad!" I said. "Sylvia is here so watch out." I whispered. "Okay thank you sweet heart." He said letting me out of the hug. I walked back into the living room and all the spots were taken besides sitting on someone's lap or the floor. "Incoming Karev!" April said. I plopped down on his lap. "Jesus Y/N next time a warning would be good." Alex said. "Karoke night!" Cristina said. "And she's drunk." I said looking at Cristina. "Heck yeah I am!" She said dancing. "This is gonna be fun." Alex said leaning back. "Oh I'll go first!" Sylvia said. She started singing Low by Flo Rida and was absolutely terrible. I had to turn my face into Alex's neck to hide my laughter. I saw my dad clench his jaw. Then Mark walked in. "Someone calm the dog's!" He said before realizing Sylvia was singing. "Sorry..." He said running away. "Okay now that my ear's are bleeding next up!" Cristina said. "Oh I wanna go!" I said jumping up. I started to sing "All I want" by Olivia Rodrigo. I loosened up a little bit and started to sing like I meant it. When I finished I looked around the room at everyone who was amazed. Mark was now in the room. "Holy crap!" Mark, Alex, George, and Cristina said at the same time. "She gets that from me." My dad said. "Okay no one can top that but who's next?" Cristina asked. "ME!" Mark screamed jumping up. He started to sing "Running on sunshine" since Lexie was in the room. It wasn't half bad but not as good as mine. "Okay my turn!" Alex yelled grabbing the microphone out of Mark's hand. "Watch it Karev!" He said before sitting beside Lexie throwing his arm around her. Sylvia looked hurt and Lexie looked upset but Sylvia had nothing on Lexie. Alex started to sing "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber but didn't break eye contact with me. "So Y/N..."

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