Part 56

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It was our last full day on the cruise and we have had a blast. "Last full day at sea." I said with a frown to Dally. "But we have years ahead." He said smiling. "With all of the tragedy in my life who knows." I said laughing. "I can't with you." He said squishing my cheeks together. "Go have fun on your last day at sea! Not with any girls though. Or I will have your throat on a platter." I said with a smile and a wink. "Don't worry. You are the only woman I will lay my eyes on. Oh and our daughter of course." He said handing her to me. "I'm gonna go walk her around. I'll go with Juliana so I won't get kidnapped." I said putting some shoes on. "Hey! No guys!" He said after kissing me. "Don't worry. I will only look at Scorpio." I said with a smile and leaving.


"Where do you think the guys are gonna be." I said walking with Juliana to the side of the pool. "Over there at the bar. Or at least Dally is." Juliana said. We started to walk over there but Sylvia was there. "Oh the things I would do if I didn't go to med school for 10 years." I said. All of a sudden I saw her kiss Dally. "Oh that bi-" Juliana said starting to walk toward her but I grabbed her hand. "What are you doing?!" She asked looking at me. "Just wait!" I said. I saw Dally not kiss back and throw her off of him. "What is wrong with you?!" He said turning and finding me watching. I could see his heart shatter. "Here hold my child for a second." I said handing her Lexie. I ran over to Sylvia and slapped her across the face which in fact left a red mark. Pretty proud of myself. I haven't gifted anyone a hard hit since hockey. She ran off crying of course. When I turned I saw Juliana slap her too and Dally still there looking pretty sad so I walked over to him. He started to get teary eyed and braced for a slap. "I'm not going to slap you. I saw everything." I said grabbing his face. "You did?!" He said. "I literally watched you throw her off of you and heard you yell at her. I'm not mad at you." I said smiling. "I would kiss you but you know she just kissed you and that would be weird." I said to him. "I get it." He said pulling me into a hug. "Now go back to your boys." I said kissing his cheek.


Juliana and I went back to walking around the ship. "Now see. If you would have let me done that then you probably wouldn't be getting screwed tonight." She said to me. A group of muscular guys who looked to be in their late 20s kept walking around us. "I don't like how these guys are circling and staring at us. Let's get to our husbands." I said walking faster.

"Well howdy there pretty ladies." Two-but said clearly drunk. "You do realize we have to get up and 6 in the morning right?" I said walking up beside Dally. "What!" He said angrily. "I wonder if Bailey misses me." I said. "Everyone probably misses you." Dally said putting his arm around my waist. Then I've Had The Time of my Life started playing and me and Dally looked at each other. "Let's dance." I said handing Lexie to Darry. We started doing the dance and a crowd started to form. "Ready?" Dally asked as the lift was coming up. "Always." I said running up to him and jumping. He caught me and extended his arms fully. The crowd went wild and everyone started dancing around us as he set me down. "Never gets old." I said kissing him. Then the Cruise Director came up with a microphone. "That was amazing!" He said into the microphone. "Okay you guys have to tell the crowd if your dancers." He said handing me the microphone. "Oh well I'm actually a surgeon." I said with a smile. "So you must be the dancer?" He said pointing the microphone towards Dallas. "I mean. I practice the lift with my daughter so." He said with a cute smile. "How sweet. So if you aren't dancers then how did you guys do that without falling on each other?" He asked. "It was our first dance at our wedding." I said with a soft giggle. "Well how sweet." The cruise director said. We finished whatever that was and went back to our friends. "Show offs." Juliana said.
"Do you actually practice the lift with Lexie?" I asked him. "Well you see." He started to say and then Sylvia came up. "Now can I beat her to death." Juliana whispered in my ear. "Let's try the lift!" She said to Dallas who was standing by the edge of the pool. She ran and jumped but instead of trying to catch her he moved out of the way causing her to go into the pool. Juliana and I lost our balance and fell because of how hard we were laughing. "Hey Juliana catch me!" I said fake jumping. "Wait I want to try something." Dally said setting his drink down and grabbing my hand. He spun me around a few times and dipped me. "Woah." I said as our faces were inches apart. "So your just not gonna kiss me?" He said after he started pulling me back up. "Hmm. No." I said just to tease him. I started to walk back towards Juliana but before I could take two steps he put his hand around my throat lightly choking me, pulled my body towards his, and kissed me. "Woohoo!" Juliana said clapping loudly. "Enough you two." Sylvia said coming in between us. "How would your perfect little mom react to that make out session?" Sylvia asked annoyingly. "She'd be cheering me on." I said with a smile and wink. "And this?" She said before throwing herself on Dally again. "OH NOT AGAIN!" Juliana yelled as I stood there dumbfounded. Of course Dally didn't kiss back but it was so crowded that he was at the edge of the pool so he just looked at me not knowing what to do. Juliana went up behind her, turned her around, and punched her so hard Sylvia go knocked out. "I wanted to do that!" I said to her. "I'm gonna be sick." Dally said running to the bathroom. He came back and stood behind me as I was talking to Juliana about Sylvia. "So when she wakes up do you think I should knock her out too?" I asked her. "You've gotten penalties for fighting before. Act like she's just checked you and no penalty was called. Or act like she's the doctor who killed your dad." Juliana said. "I'm gonna do the second one but if I keep punching while she's knocked out already pull me off." I said waiting for her to wake up. "Are you mad at me?" Dally asked. "Once again. No I'm not. You didn't kiss her back and you were trapped in a corner." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Oh thank gosh. You're scary when you're mad. Oh and you might not wanna slip me tongue for a little because I washed my mouth out with soap." He said looking down at his shoes. "Another reason I love you." I said kissing him on the cheek. Sylvia was now awake behind me. "Round Two?" She asked trying to push past me. I immediately turned around and punched her right across the nose breaking it. "He. Just. Needed. A. Simple. Head. CT. You. Dumb. Bi-!" I yelled in between punches. "Y/N!" Dally said picking me up. "You knocked her out instantly. I don't want you to lose your medical license and Juliana wouldn't pull you off." He said as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "A simple head CT." I said crying into his neck. "Let it all out." He said rubbing my back as I cried harder into his neck.


After all that had happened we started to walk away from her unconcious body. "Bye-bye." Scorpio said as he waved to Sylvia which was followed by an evil laugh. "A simple head CT!" I said shaking my head. "Yeah. We did everything we could to save him but Dr. Derek Shepherd didn't make it." Some guy said. "Oh Merlins beard." Draco said and Juliana smacked him. "Excuse me? Did you say Derek Shepherd?" I asked walking up to the guy. When he turned around I immediatly recognized him. "So you did everything huh?" I said putting air quotes around everything. "Sorry how rude of me. I'm Dr. Winston recently but you might know me as Shepherd's daughter." I said reaching my hand out for the guy he was talking to. "I'm sorry but you did NOT give him a head CT. The man clearly had a head injury but you were more worried about his abdomen." I said raising my voice. "It's been two months! Get over it!" The doctor yelled in my face. My instant reaction was to slap him which oops I did. "Can I?" I said to the other guy motioning to beat him up. "Of course. He clearly hasn't had a parent die." He said. Without hesitation my fist connected with his face. This man started to punch back. He fell to the ground first but I didn't stop and neither did he. I could feel a liquid come down from some place on my face. "I'm going to make you look like he did." I said but starting to punch harder. I heard a crack come from his jaw. "Y/N!" Dally yelled while watching. "Don't. You can't do anything for her but clean her wounds after. This is something heavy on her heart and still fresh. This man told her to get over it. I mean you saw how close her and her dad were so just let her fight it off." Juliana said. "Give up already!" He said putting his hands around my throat. I was loosing air and all of my energy. "Not until you go unconcious." I said struggling to breath. I punched him as hard as I could and out he went. I got up and wiped the blood that was coming from my lip. "Y/N?" The guy asked. "I remember you from hockey. You played against my daughter." He said with a smile. "Oh wow." I said slightly chuckling. He started waking up so I kicked him and he went back down. "Yeah. You really stood out in your team. You would have made a killer center but then again your defense was amazing." He said. "One of the biggest goons out there." He said laughing. "I think you got sent to the penalty box like six times that game oh and three of those were for fighting." He said. "Well I'd love to stay and talk but I need to go see the damage on my face." I said walking back to the gang. "He killed my father." I said shrugging my shoulders as I walked away. "Yeah Winston!" Juliana said slapping me in the back. "You're bleeding a lot from your lip." Dally said concerned. "I know." I said wiping my lip again. "Way to end a trip." Steve said laughing. "It was a lot of fun. Very therapudic." I said laughing. "So we just gonna act like you didn't knock two people out in one hour?" Two-bit said. Which caused us all to laugh. "If I loose my medical license then I know where to go." I said laughing.


We got back to our room and my lip had a huge lac. "These will come in handy." I said grabbing my suture kit. "I'll go get Juliana!" Dally said rushing to open the door. "No need." I said opening the kit. "You're going to do that all by yourself?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said picking the utensils up. "You just get hotter each movement you make." He said causing me to blush. "How so?" I asked. "You literally just got into a fist fight with a guy twice your age and not to mention he was fighting back. Now you're suturing your lip back together." He said sitting on the bed. "Done." I said finishing. "Lets go finish or trip!" I said cleaning up. "But first." He said grabbing my waist and turning me around. He gently kissed me and tried not to make my lip hurt but I didn't care.

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