Part 69

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Dally got back home. "I report for duty in two weeks." He said. "Two weeks?!" I said. He nodded his head and I tried to not show my sorrow. "We have to get her to kindergarten." I said.
"Bye Lexie! Have a great first day!" We both yelled. "She's getting so big." I said. "She is." Dally said. "Two weeks." I mumbled. "Hm?" He asked. "Oh nothing." I said. "Let's make the best of these two weeks shall we?" He asked. "We shall." I said smiling at him.
Two weeks later

The two weeks have gone by so fast. "Don't leave daddy!" Lexie said running up to him. "I have to baby." He said getting on one knee for her. "I'm gonna miss you." She said crying. "Oh baby. Don't cry. Daddy will be back." He said. She was crying. I had to turn my back because I started to cry. "Do you have to leave?" She asked sniffling. "I do baby." He said fighting back tears. Soda came up to me and hugged me while I cried in his shoulder. "Be good for mommy while I'm gone. Keep her safe. Okay?" He said to her. "I will daddy. Don't worry." She said. He stood up and walked toward me. "I'll be back." He said pulling me in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you. So much." I said crying into his shoulder. "I will miss you. So so much." He said. "Don't meet any guys while I'm deployed alright?" He said causing me to laugh. "I won't. Don't worry." I said. "And watch out for that Deluca kid. He's got eyes for you." He said sniffing. "I will babe." I said gripping him harder. "I love you. So much." I said. "I love you more. The end. I win." He said kissing me before walking off. I picked Lexie up and we both waved goodbye to him. As soon as he got out of our sight she started crying even harder in my shoulder causing me to cry. The gang wrapped around us in one big hug. "He'll be alright." Soda said. "Here. Can someone take her. I have to go to work." I said handing her to Darry.
I got to work all puffy faced and my eyes were bloodshot. "Dr. Winston?" Bailey asked. "Chief Bailey." I said after wiping my tears off. "Are you alright to work?" She asked. "Yeah. I've got it." I said. "If you say so." She said eyeing me up and down.
Lexie and I have cried every night. Everyone has been over but it doesn't stop us from crying. She really really misses him. She's a daddy's girl. She's made a few friends at school and they have came over for sleepovers and play dates and it helps hearing her laugh. I rarely hear it anymore.
Six months later

I was at work like usual and today marked six months since Dally reported for duty. Lexie hasn't been crying as much but I haven't. It's been six months and I have barley heard anything. The gang stays over a lot and keeps Lexie happy and busy. Harry, Ron, and Hermione also stay over a lot and I think Ron is getting fond of Lexie finally. The whole Weasley family comes over for dinner sometimes and Lexie really enjoys Fred and George. They have a bunch of little toys and gadgets that she likes. Most of them explode though so. Anyway. I was at work like normal working in the pit still mad at Owen Hunt but whatever. I had just finished on this huge trauma that just came in and was filling out a chart at the nurses station with Amelia and Maggie talking about their love interests. "I hooked up with Link." Amelia said. "As in Ortho Link?" I asked. "Yeah him." She said. "Jackson and I broke up." Maggie said. "He wasn't half bad." Amelia said. "He wanted to change me." Maggie said. "Excuse me. Are you Dr. Winston?" A man in an army uniform asked. "Yes sir." I said turning around. "I'm sorry to inform you that Dallas Winston has been killed in battle." He said. The whole hospital went quiet. My heart dropped. "He died?" I choked out. "I'm sorry for your loss." He said before walking away. "He died." I said as the whole hospital watched me. "Y/N." Amelia said approaching me. "He died." I said as a tear fell down my face. "H-he's gone." I said as my legs gave out. I fell to the ground crying. Amelia got on the ground with me. "He's dead Amelia!" I said crying into my hands. "Someone page Deluca!" Amelia yelled. "On it." A nurse said. "It's okay." She said. "No it's not okay! My husband is dead!" I said crying harder. "He's d-dead." I said crying into her shoulder. "All the men I have ever loved have died. Including my baby." Amelia said. "I can say that now too." I said looking up at her. "I'll call your friends." Maggie said.
Maggie called Soda who was with Lexie and the gang. "How's Y/N?" He asked his voice breaking over the phone. "Crying on the ground." Maggie said. "Thank you for letting me know." Soda said hanging up. "Did we page Deluca?" Maggie asked. "Yes." A nurse said. "Someone page Juliana as well." Amelia said. "I'm here. What's going on?" Deluca said stopping at the scene he saw. "D-dally died." I said. "Come on." Amelia said helping me up. Deluca ran to me and hugged me. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. "Let it out." Deluca said. It sounded just like Dally. "Take her somewhere." Maggie said. Juliana arrived. "Hey man. Put her down!" She said. Amelia told her what happened and her mouth fell open. "Let's go to an on-call room." She said starting to walk.
"He's gone!" I said crying into Deluca's shoulder. "Let it out." Juliana said running my back. "I-i can't believe it." I said drying my tears. "How can people just be ripped away from this world? Did anyone try and save him? Did he just lay there and suffer?" I asked. "We won't ever know. Sometimes it's better to not know that." Deluca said looking at me. All of our memories flashed back as I looked at the ring on my finger. "I would do anything for one more minute." I said. "Go home." Bailey said as she stood there and watched. "Go home to your baby girl. She's gonna need you. More than we need you." Bailey said. "I love you Dr. Bailey." I said pulling her into a hug. "I love you too Dr. Winston." She said.
I opened the door to my apartment. The gang, the Weasleys, the Malfoy's, Harry, and Hermione were there playing with a clueless Lexie. Everyone looked at me when I walked in. Harry ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug. "I'm here for you." He said. "Thank you Harry." I said as we pulled out of it. "Mommy!" Lexie said running to me. "Hey baby!" I said picking her up and kissing her cheek. "When's daddy coming home?" She asked. I heard a sniffle come from Hermione. "Love isn't fair." She said. "Fine then. Be like that." Ron said. "No it's just my bloodline." I said. "Let's go talk Lexie." I said taking her to her room.
I got in there and closed the door. "Remember when you asked when daddy was coming home?" I asked. She just nodded her head clueless of what was about to happen. "Well. He's not coming home." I said. "Yes he is! He said he was." She said and I felt the tears build up in my eyes. "He's not coming home Lexie." I said with a tear slipping. "But he promised!" She said he lip quivering. "Lexie. Daddy died." I said and we both started crying. I stood up with her in my arms and rocked her. Poor girl cried herself to sleep. My heart is hurting.
A/N: no lie. cried multiple times writing these parts. and chasing cars came on so it's not helping💀🥲

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