Part 45

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I woke up to a pounding and I couldn't tell if it was my head or the door so I quickly put my clothes back on. "What are you doing here!" I said as Juliana walked in. "Did you have fun last night?" She said with an evil smile. "I had a lot of fun actually." I said sitting on the couch. "Yeah I heard it and it shows." She said pointing to my hair. "Oh well that's embarrassing." I said looking around awkwardly. "Nahhh. Not as awkward as when you walked in on me and Draco." She said grabbing another book. "Don't you have books at your place?" I asked her. "Yeah but Draco had early rounds and I don't want to be alone." She said starting to read. "I'm gonna make breakfast. Have you ate any?" I asked her. "No." She said continuing to read.
I gave her breakfast and walked back into the kitchen. I noticed Dally shirtless putting his arms on the top of the doorframe. I turned the stove off and quickly walked back into the bedroom locking the door behind me. "Round two?" Dally asked as he kissed me up against the door. "Are you kidding me!" Juliana yelled.
"Do you want breakfast?" I asked Dally after we finished. "If you're gonna make it." He said kissing me. "Okay. I'm hungry... and for actual food." I said putting clothes on again. "Fine." He said like a child. "Couldn't get enough?" Juliana said. "Have you seen my husband?!" I said greasing the pan again. "If you keep going I will probably throw up all over your place." She said turning a page. "Why my house!" I said putting the bacon in. "Because. It's a punishment." She said. "Did someone say punishment?" Dally said coming out of the bedroom. "I'm too pregnant to get up and slap you." Juliana said. "Go apologize!" I said slightly laughing. "Here. Take my plate too." She said after slapping him. "Yes ma'am." He mumbled. Dally answered the door because there was a knock. "Hey can you guys watch Sofia while me and Arizona go to work? Thanks!" Callie said leaving. "Dally! You smell like sweat." She said hugging him. "Let's go play Barbie's!" She said taking him into the play room. "He's so good with kids." I said in awe. "He better be since you guys are about to be having one soon." Juliana said laughing. "Shush it!" I said walking past her with his food. "Hey I finished this book can you get me another one." Juliana said. "Oh get up." I said pulling her up.
After Sofia left we decided to watch a movie. I was laying on top of Dally when Draco knocked. "Shut the door behind you." I said as I went to lay back on Dally. He lifted my chin up and kissed me. "That was hot." I said softly so only he could hear. I grabbed his hand to hold and put it over my shoulder. My eyes started to get heavy and almost started to close. "Are you gonna take a nap?" He asked me. "Yeah. We didn't get any sleep last night." I said. "Goodnight princess." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you." I said as I finally closed my eyes.

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