Part 30

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"Come on Zola!" I said holding her and Dally's hand. "Coming!" She said coming up behind me. "Thank you Dally for doing this. I know kids aren't your strong suite." I said. "Y/N you and your parents had a terrible day. This was the least I could do." Dally said kissing me on the forehead.
"Okay so I'll go get the air mattress from Callie's and you two have fun!" I say as I leave the apartment. I went to knock on Callie's door and Arizona opened it. "Oh hey Y/N!" Arizona said. "Hey Arizona. Do you guys have an air mattress?" I asked fiddling with my fingers. "Mark had it last- Is that a ring on your finger?!" Arizona asked looking at my hands. "Oh um. Yeah actually." I said with a slight chuckle. "Okay you have to tell me!" Arizona said clapping her hands. "Arizona who's at the door?" Callie yelled. "Come on in!" Arizona said pulling me in. I texted Dally "At Callie's to talk to her. Have to go to Mark's later." I sent it. "It's just Y/N!" Arizona said as Callie entered the room. "A RING! HE GAVE YOU A RING!" Callie yelled jumping up and down. "She was just about to tell us." Arizona said sitting down.
"Dr. Y/N Winston. I like it!" Callie said. "I can't with you two. Anyways I have to go get this air mattress from Mark's and then I'm going to sleep it's been a long day. Thank you guys for having me over!" I said walking out of the door and down the hall. I knocked on his door and Lexie answered. "Hey Y/N!" She said. "Hey Lexie! Do you guys have an air mattress I can borrow? We have Zola tonight since the situation and probably will have her for a week." I said. "Yeah yeah come in!" Lexie said waving me in. "Y/N!" Sofia said walking towards me. "Hey Sofia!" I said picking her up. "Is that a ring?!" Mark said walking into the room. "You betcha!" I said bouncing up and down. "Lex! Come look at this!" Mark said.
"Wow no way!" Lexie said. "Your getting married!" Mark said. "Yeah. Now let me get back to my fiancé so I can go to bed!" I said putting Sofia down and picking the air mattress up. "Come here tomorrow! Sofia and Zola can have a play date!" Mark said closing the door behind me. I opened the door to find Zola asleep in Dally who was also asleep. I couldn't help but smile. I went to go set up the air mattress but when I was unfolding it someone came in and jumped on my bed. "RING I LIKE RINGS!" Juliana said. "Sh! Zola and Dallas are asleep!" I said. "Sorry. Tell me!" Juliana said. I told her and I was done setting up the air mattress. "How are you and Johnny?" I asked her. "He's been really distant lately which worries me." Juliana said. "Okay well let me get these two up and in bed." I said walking to the living room. I picked Zola up and put her on the air mattress and went back into the living room to walk Dallas up. "Wake up!" I said pinching his nose. "Babe!" He said waking up startled. "Get in bed dummy." I said slapping his butt. "What the heck is going on with you!" Dally said walking and going to bed. Let's hope I can sleep that easy tonight.
It was about 3 am when I woke up startled because I was having flashbacks of today. I scooted closer to Dally after I checked on Zola just because I feel safe in his arms. He turned around and put his arm around my waist. My dad never can sleep in a hospital bed so I decided to text him and Cristina because I didn't check on Owen. "Hey Cristina. How's Owen?" I sent her. "Heyyyyy. He's fineeeeee!" She sent back. "Are you at Joe's?" I asked. "Yuppppppp" She responded. "Okay have fun goodnight." I sent her back. She left me on read. Typical Cristina. My dad and I just talked about today and the engagement and he went to sleep. I tried to but I couldn't fall back asleep so I just laid awake till 7.

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