Part 74

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Is this a trick my mind is playing on me? "Mom?" The girl asked. "Lexie?!" I asked getting closer. It's her. "Lexie!" I yelled running and engulfing her in my arms. "Mom!" She said crying in my arms. "I've missed you." I said holding her close to me. "You're in a coma." I said. "Did you try to?" I asked. She said nothing and I knew my answer. "Oh Lexie." I said crying harder. "Mom. Can we go see everyone?" She asked. "Of course sweetheart." I said putting her on my back and never wanting to let go.
We got back to the house and it was pretty silent. "Dally!" I yelled through tears and the house. "Babe!" He yelled coming down the stairs. "Is that-" He asked. "Dad!" Lexie yelled jumping off of me and toward him. "Did someone call my name?" Lexie asked. "Are you Lexie?" She asked. My Lexie nodded her head. "I've heard so much about you. I'm Lexie also!" Lexie said extending a hand. "So that's who I'm named after." She said giggling in Dally's arms. "You were right Y/N. She's adorable." George said after we spent some time together. "We're home!" Fred said coming in out of breath. "We got lost." Juliana said hopping off of him. "Not surprised." I said taking a drink of my beer. Dally was standing by the pool. I nodded me head to Lexie and she took off. "What are you? Woah-" Dally said falling into the pool causing Lexie to fall with laughter. "Gosh I haven't seen her in forever." My dad said. "I know right." I said smiling at my family. "I haven't ever met her!" Mark said coming outside with Deluca. "What's going on?" Deluca asked sitting beside me. "Deluca?!" Lexie asked after Dally got out of the pool. "Hey little Winston!" He said as they got back on the porch. "Who's that?" Lexie asked pointing toward Mark. "Well you see. Your grandfather and I are best friends which made me Y/N's uncle." Mark said. "Or my hot as crap boyfriend." Lexie said sitting on his lap. Dally just facepalmed.
Lexie and I were getting ready for bed. "I want to stay with Uncle George!" She yelled running into Dally. Dally just gave me a look of uncertainty. "Okay. It's fine. Get your stuff." I said walking out of the bathroom. She ran out of the room and into George's. "Is that a good idea?" He asked me. "It's perfectly fine. I've slept with George before." I said. "What?!" Dally asked anger flooding his face. "Not like that. As in best friends." I said. A look of relief washed over his face. "Come on missy." Dally said picking me up. "Let's go downstairs." He said carrying me towards the couch.
I was half asleep during the movie that all of the guys were watching. Lexie and I sat on our boyfriends/husbands lap talking. "Hey Freddie." I said as Fred sat in a chair. "Hey shawty." Fred said causing me to laugh. Dally tightened his arms around me squeezing me. "Um. Dally? Can you not squish Y/N?" Lexie asked. He threw me off of his lap and onto Fred. I scoffed. "I'm going to bed." I said getting up. "Hey Deluca." I said passing his room. "Hey Y/N." He said looking at files. "What are you looking at?" I asked opening his door. "Patient files." He said concentrating. "Is this the girl that drove off a cliff?" I asked. "Familiar with the case?" He asked. "The so called boyfriend lit the hospital on fire which killed me. So I guess yeah." I said. "Well in that case." He said closing it. "How's Carina?" I asked. Carina was his older sister. We got close but then I died. "Well when I was alive she was crushed over your death. Then I died and I'm worried for her." He said. "You should got check in on her. I do that with Jo, Amelia, Maggie, my mom, Harry, Juliana, and the Weasleys." I said. "That's a good idea. I might tomorrow. Good night Y/N." He said as I went to my room across the hall.
Dally was sitting in bed. "How's Deluca." He said with an attitude. "Don't give me the attitude." I said going to the bathroom and putting my hair up. He just scoffed. "Okay what is your problem. Are you mad at me?" I asked opening the door. "Yeah I'm mad at you. You've got all of these guys rubbing all over you and you let them!" He said not looking at me. "You're so mad that you can't look at me?!" I said. "No I'm not that mad. I know if I look at you my jaw will drop and I will forget the words I want to say." He said. "I'll go sleep with Juliana." I muttered grabbing a pillow. "No. We are gonna talk this out. You can't avoid this problem." He said pulling me on his lap. "You're so gorgeous." He whispered in my ear. "These guys don't compare to you Dally." I said putting my hands on his face and straddling his lap. "How many times have I flirted back?" I asked. "How many times have you seen me naked in their bed?" I asked. "None." He muttered. "Exactly. I've literally only been naked in YOUR bed." I said emphasizing your. "Now. Can we put this behind us and go to bed. I really want cuddles." I said laying on his chest. "Yes." He said kissing me.
I woke up at 5 not being able to sleep. "Hey Juliana. Let's go for a run." I said walking in her room. "Since when did you work out." She asked. "Since I died. Now come on." I said. Throughout the run we were talking about her life and we hung out by the pool. "I feel sticky and sweaty." I said after we ran two miles. "You made me run two miles?!" She said out of breath. "Mhm. But you will feel better in the long run." I said laughing at my joke. "That wasn't even funny." She said walking in the house. "A beer? We just ran two miles and you're drinking a beer?" I said grabbing a water bottle. "You don't get to judge." She said pointing at me. "Watch how fast I can drink this." I said drinking as fast as I could. It went down the wrong pipe causing me to spit all of the water on Juliana. "Y/N!" She groaned as I laughed. "Sorry about that. You should have stopped me." I said laughing. "I'm going to shower." She said walking away.
I was half way through my shower when I heard the door open. "Babe?" I asked confused. The shower door opened and I gasped.

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