Part 13

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"Okay Dr. Torres. You paged?" I said. "Post-ops. I have to go in emergency surgery for a guy with multiple traumas everywhere. I'm asking you to cover my Post-ops." She said. "I can't scrub in with you?" I asked. "Nope you're too hungover." She said starting to hurry up. "Fine." I said walking off.


Most of the post-ops where good. Some of them could have been discharged in my opinion but I will leave that up to Callie. "Hey you." I said pointing to one of my interns. "Yes Doctor?" The intern asked. I don't bother learning their names because they are at the bottom of the surgical food chain. "Is Dr. Juliana working today?" I asked. "No doctor. She called in sick." He said. Great! "What about Dr. Grey?" I asked trying to think of who I can do this patient with. "Both are in surgery." Another intern said. "Every attending is in surgery besides Dr. Sloan." Another intern said. "Page him." I said.


"Little Shepherd!" Mark said as he was walking up to me. "I have a post-op to do and I need some help." I said pointing to Dallas's window. "Okay so is it emotional or physical." He said crossing his arms. "Both. I have a huge headache and my hand is bothering me a lot." I said. "Okay so I'm thinking. You do the talking and I'll do the physical exam?" He said. "Okay." I said sighing. The interns were there. "Scram!" I said. They all went off to the pit. Mark just started laughing at me so I smacked him in the back of the head. "Bad hand!" I yelled as we walked into his room. It just caused Mark to laugh more. "You are just like your dad!" He said as we got into the room. All of his friends and Sylvia were in his room which you know I could care less. "How are you feeling Dallas?" I asked doing everything possible to avoid eye contact. "Everything is pretty great! I've got the girl of my dreams and all my friends here!" He said with a smile. "She meant with your legs." Mark said trying not to laugh at how stupid he was. "Oh right. I've been having some pain but other than that I'm alright." He said looking at me. "Great!" I said sarcastically. "Dr. Sloan do you have any input?" I asked. Then Sylvia looked up at Mark and her eyes glew up. "Wait you're Mark Sloan?!" She said. "The one and only." He said with a fake smile. "You're even hotter in person!" She said low but loud enough for everyone but Dallas to hear. I almost choked. "Dang Mark! You get all the girls!" I said laughing. "What can I say? It's the eyes and smile." He said flashing me a smile. "I don't see it." I said tilting my head. "Well of course you don't. You're my niece!" He said. "You're related to him?!" Sylvia said. "Yeah!" I said going to stand by Mark. "You don't see it?" I said pointing at our faces. "Maybe in the eyes." She said cocking her head to the left. I started laughing. Then my dad came in and stood at the window. "Uh oh." I said looking at the window. He crossed his arms at the window. I finally looked in Dallas's eyes and they looked a little crooked. "Dallas? Did you hit your head when you fell?" I asked looking through his chart again. "I-I don't remember." He said looking around the room. Then my dad walked in. "Dr. Sloan." He said. "Yes Dr. Shepherd." Mark said turning around. "Little Grey is asking for you." My dad said walking into the room. "Okay. Y/N do you think your hand is okay to finish this exam?" Sloan asked before leaving. "Yes Now go have fun with your girl!" I said shoving him out of the room. My dad tried to hold in his laughter. "Is this hospital filled with hot doctors?!" Sylvia said again. "Dr. Shepherd." I said handing him Dallas's chart. "His pupils look different and he doesn't remember if he hit his head." I said. "Okay let me take a look." He said looking in his eyes. "Well Dallas it looks like you have a concussion." My dad said. "Dr. Shepherd I'm sure you could have done that without the need of my help." He said turning to me. "Well Dr. Shepherd. With all due respect I am never on your service." I responded. "Wait!"

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