Part 43

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"Babe!" Dally called me from the living room. "What is it?" I asked as I sat on the couch. He pulled me into his lap and attacked me with kisses. I grabbed his face and kissed him once. "Let's get married in a month so we can have kids." He said. "You want kids?" I said shocked. "Yeah! Kids love me and you!" Dally said. I couldn't stop smiling. "You have a gorgeous smile." Dally said. "I'd love to stay here with you but unless you want that wedding and kids then I have to go to work." I said kissing him one last time.

"Hello there father." I said walking up to him. "Hello." He responded. "Are you back in the OR?" I asked him. "Not yet. I have to go with Torres." He said walking away. "I haven't seen her in forever. I'm coming with you." I said following him. "Hello Derek. Y/N." Callie said setting up a net. "What's the net for?" I asked her. "You two are going to play ping pong until I get out of an 8 hour surgery." She said handing us paddles. "8 hours?!" I said. "Well if you have any work get a resident to do it and if you have to go someone can tag in for you." She said leaving the room. "Let's get to it." I said hitting the ball. "So it looks like you are wearing a ring." My dad said hitting the ball back. "Yep." I said hitting the ball back at him. "When did that happen?" I asked. "Two days ago." I said hitting the ball. "And you didn't tell me?" He said missing the ball. "Nope. I just put the ring on when we were moving." I said serving the ball.


"How does it feel to get beat!" I said putting the paddle down. "Rematch!" He said. "Can't have to go home. My shift is over." I said leaving the room. "Leaving?" Alex said walking up beside me. For a second I thought it was Mark. "Um yeah." I said getting my keys out of my purse. "How's Jo?" I asked him. "She's great." He said with a smile. "She sounds like it." I said walking up to my car. "Goodnight Y/N." Alex said. "Night Karev." I said getting in my car. I got a phone call from Arizona. "Hey! So you missed the court hearing about the plane crash." She said. "A court hearing?" I said shocked. "Oh no one told you. Well they want to give all of the injured $15 million dollars." She said. "$15 million!" I said shocked once more. "Yeah. You know how the hospital is trying to get bought out? Well all of the group was thinking of going under the buyers and buy it." She said. "Oh wow. Well I can give the $15 million because I have no idea how to use it." I said pulling into the apartment complex. "Okay thanks. Well have a goodnight and go see Dallas." She said. "Goodnight Arizona." I said as I walked into the apartment. I went into the bedroom and changed into one of Mark's old hoodies and some shorts. "I cooked dinner!" Dally said. "Let's hope I don't get food poisoning." I said. "Hey!" He said with a pouty lip. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Do you have any food?" Juliana said barging in. "Draco's not home and I don't know how to cook. Oh books!" She said picking up my books. "Here take this." I said giving her some peanut butter and celery. "My favorite!" She said. "Oh lord." Dally said. Suddenly Draco barged in. "Has anyone seen Juliana?!" He said freaking out. "Phew. Leave a note or something next time." He said laying behind her on the couch. "Hey this is mine!" She said smacking Draco's hand away from her food. "If I am like that during pregnancy just sedate me." I whispered to Dally.

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