Part 51

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2 months later

My dad had gotten a job offering with the President and he took it which has my family fueding at the moment. He came back because he didn't like being away from his family. He had a meeting to go give his stuff back. My mom kept calling me through out the day just wondering if I had heard from him at all. She was getting really worried so I had took Dally and Lexie over along with Zola and Bailey. Around 8 o'clock there was police lights and a knocking at the door. "Is this the home of Derek Shepherd?"

There was an accident and we needed to go to the hospital in D.C. Dally, Lexie and I all rode in one car as the others rode in the other one. I didn't think it was going to be good and sadly it turned out to be true. "I'll wait with the kids out here." Dally said. On his way there the cars in front of him got in an accident and he helped them until the ambulance got there. When he got back in his car a semi truck ran into him. They failed to get him a head CT and to do burr holes. "Can I see his file?" I asked. They handed me his file and there was no record of a heat CT. "Did he not get a head CT?" I asked. "No we didn't think that we had time." The red headed doctor said. "That is one of the first things you should have done!" I said raising my voice. "Ma'am calm down." The doctor said. "I'm not going to calm down! My dad is brain dead in there! My child will not remember her grandfather! My brother won't either! My sister will barley remember him!" I said getting loud at some points and quieting down at others.


"Mrs. Shepherd. It's time." The doctor said. "Can you?" I asked Dally. "Of course." He said picking up the kids. "I need to see your papers." The doctor said to my mom. She started the process and suddenly my mom stopped her. "Derek... Derek... Derek! It's okay. You go. We'll be fine." My mom said as a tear escaped her eyes. As soon as she said that all of our memories flooded back to my head causing me to break down. As soon as they were done I had to go out to the ambulance bay for fresh air. I started crying so hard I got sick in the bushes. "Ma'am. We're so sorry for your loss. He was such a great surgeon. I will always remember him." The head doctor came out and said to me. "Honestly right now I will forever remember you as the doctor who couldn't do a simple CT over a man with clear head injuries!" I yelled. "Everytime I hear your name or see your face I will want to do what you did to him. I will forever wish that you were getting buried and not him. I will forever want to spit on you. I suggest you get far away from me before I do those exact things." I said crying.


"I'm gonna sit in the back with Lexie if you don't mind." I said. "Do whatever you want." Dally said getting in the car. "I'd loose my medical license if I did that." I said getting in the back and putting Lexie in her car seat. He just reached his hand back and put it on my knee.


When we got home I put Lexie to bed and laid on the couch. "Gosh I'm so ready for that cruise." I said as Dally walked into the room. "Me too. That's gonna be so much fun." Dally said sitting beside me. "Why don't you invite the gang over tomorrow? They haven't met Lexie yet and I want to be surrounded by people at the moment." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

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