Part 8

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When I walked back downstairs Soda was patiently waiting for me. "Sorry. My dad's drunk and Zola's a pain." I said rubbing my forehead. "It's alright Y/N." Soda said smiling. He kinda looked like a movie star. Then Jackson walked in. "Where's Lexie?!" He said running to me. "She doesn't want to see yo Avery." I said sternly. "Well you are going to take me to her right now or else." He said. He reeked of alcohol. "Or what?" I said crossing my arms and standing up. "It won't be pretty." He said clenching his jaw. "She doesn't want you Avery. No one does! She's with Mark!" I said. "Well get her down here!" He said starting to raise his voice and hand. "No!" I said. He started to swing but before he could hit me I ducked then punched him and broke his nose. "No one is going to help you with that because they are all my family now get out of this house!" I said causing him to run off. "Y/N?" Lexie said running downstairs. "What happened?" She asked me. "Your crazy ex tried to punch me!"I said. "Are you serious?!" She said scoffing. "Did he hit you?!" She asked me running to see if I had blood anywhere. Pros of living with doctors. "No but instead you might wanna go check his nose." I said laughing. "That's my girl!" Mark said coming downstairs with no shirt on. "I- Lexie!" I said laughing. "Um I'm gonna go..." She said running upstairs. "Just so you know Y/N. I heard everything." Mark said laughing and chasing after Lexie.


"Sorry about that Soda." I said locking the doors. "Right. I just wanted to let you know that Dally talked really highly of you when we all visited him. He's got a crazy ex that cheated on him but by what just happened she shouldn't be a problem." He said laughing. "He used to use girls but when he meets one girl he stops having one night stands. I think you guys are going to get together but that's just my thoughts. She's probably going to show up at the hospital before his surgery but our friends are all going to be there. He said that she showed up earlier today but you were dealing with the ferry boat crash to get her out of the room." He said. "Well don't worry. I should be on that floor or the ER all day tomorrow so just come and get me if she is becoming too much and I can gather a few of my friends to get her out for him." I said seriously. "Now I see why he likes you. You mean business!" He said laughing. "Well I am a doctor so what do you expect?!" I said laughing. "Okay well I get new interns tomorrow and they normally are terrible so I need a drink tomorrow and sleep so goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." Soda responded. I finally drifted to sleep.

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