Part 54

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The next day was a whole day at sea so we could do anything on the boat. I woke up and 8 and Dally was still asleep so I put Lexie on his chest and I sat on his waist. He woke up and saw Lexie at first then I felt his bulge. "Y/N!" He groaned. "I didn't do anything! I just sat on you. I can't help being sexy!" I said laying on the bed next to him. "I'll go wake everyone else up." I said changing and then leaving.
"I'm gonna go get a breakfast taco." I said to everyone walking to the taco bar with Juliana. We got our food and sat with the guys. "Our turn!" Pony said jumping up for food as Dally put Lexie in my lap. "That was delicious." I said finishing. "Dang right. Where did they go?" Juliana asked. "Over there. Wanna go? They've been taking a while." I said. "Why not." She said taking Scorpio's hand and walking over. "Hey Babe!" I said to Dally who had his back turned and an angry look on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked confused. "Here. Babies cheer you up." I said handing him Lexie. I turned and looked and saw Sylvia. "How lovely." I said rolling my eyes. "Has she seen you yet?" I asked him. "Not yet." He said. She started walking over to him so I pulled him into a long kiss. "Oh snap!" Juliana said laughing. "Hey Dallas!" Sylvia said all perky. He groaned and turned to her. "Oh! Are you babysitting?" She asked becoming flirtatious. "Nope. This is my baby." He said bouncing up and down. "Who's the mom?" She asked putting her hand on his arm. "It's mine." I said removing her hand. "Now now Y/N. Don't be rude." She said grabbing his hand. "This isn't going to be good." Juliana said covering her mouth. "I'd be careful. She packs a mean punch." Jackson said walking past. Dally took his hand from her and grabbed mine. "Just leave her already! Come back to me! I've changed! I still love you!" She said getting on her knees. "Only I get on my knees for him." I said smirking. With that she ran off.
"That was so hot." Dally whispered in my ear. I just smirked and kissed him. "Now guys with babies are hot and you already are hot I also really don't want to fight someone while on maternity leave so give me my child." I said as he gave me her. "I'll be sitting over at the table waiting for you." I said with a wink and walking off. "I can't believe you said that!" Juliana said laughing. "I'm not lying! Also we might have to leave Lexie with you for a little bit." I said with a mischievous smile. "You disgust me." She said rolling her eyes. "Welcome back!" Juliana said to the guys. "You can sit on my lap." He said because all the seats were taken. "Gladly." I said sitting on him. "Don't drop anything on me." I said looking at him. "No promises." He said winking. I slowly moved my self back so my butt was on his crotch and I slowly grinded on him. "Y/N." He groaned in my ear. "There's a bunch of things we can do tonight and I'm pretty much up for anything." I said talking to the group. "As in me. You're going to be doing me tonight." He said in my ear. "Just eat." I said with a smirk.
"Water slides?" I asked on the way back to our room. "Duh." Draco said. "Don't cop an attitude with me Malfoy." I said handing Lexie to him. "Why- Ohhhhh!" He said. "Idiot." I said walking back into our room. "Where's Lexie?" Dally asked panicked. "I gave her to Malfoy." I said putting my hands around his neck. "Oh really now." He said with a smirk. "Just shut up and do me." I said kissing him. "Calm down." He said pinning me up against the door. "I think we need to get rid of this." I said taking his shirt off not breaking the kiss. "Same with this." He said taking my shirt off. "Gosh you're so hot. But I really want to go on those water slides!" I said whining. "Let's be quick." He said throwing me on the bed.
We got changed into our bathing suits and had love mark's all over our body. "Dallas!" I said groaning looking at them. "It just proves you're mine." He said smirking leaning against the door. "Let's go!" I said taking his hand and leaving the room for the water slides. "Did you have fun?" Juliana asked handing me Lexie. "A lot of it." I said chuckling. "Yeah we all see those hickeys." Juliana said scoffing. "Oopsies." I said. "What is she doing and why is she getting in line with the boys." I said pointing to Sylvia. "Probably trying to get into their pants but you already beat her to it." Juliana said. "And I don't regret it." I said making faces at Lexie. They went down the water slide and Sylvia was behind them. Dally came up and grabbed my hand to go down the water slide with him. "I've got her. AGAIN!" She yelled. "She will never leave me alone about that." I said laughing. "I mean. You enjoyed it though. Oh Dally! Har-" He said imitating me. "Okay enough." I said putting my hand over his mouth. We went down the water slide together and there Sylvia was waiting for him. Lexie started crying whenever we got off so I picked her up. "That's right. We don't like her." I said bouncing her up and down. She still wouldn't stop crying. "Let me take her babies love me." Sylvia said holding her hands out. "She wants her daddy." I said walking past her and giving her to Dally. "Didn't you just call him that like 10 minutes ago?" Juliana said. "Oh come on Juliana!" The whole gang yelled. "I think she likes you more than me." I said to him. "Don't we all." Sylvia said. "Your opinion wasn't asked and actually I like Y/N more than Dally." Pony said. "I'm going to ignore that." Dally said with Lexie now asleep. "Let's go down the water slide!" Sylvia said grabbing his arm. "No. I'm holding my daughter and now I'm going to go hold my beautiful wife." He said walking away and laying on the chair. I flipped my hair in her face and laid in between Dally's legs as he gave me Lexie. "YOU WISH THIS WAS YOU HUH?!" Juliana yelled as she walked away.

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