Part 75

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"Deluca?!" I said trying to cover up. "Get out!" I screeched. "No. You know you want me. Stop trying to hide it." He said backing me against the shower wall. "No! I don't! Get out!" I yelled. I noticed he had dark circles around his eyes. "Did you hear me?! Get! Out!" I yelled. "Stop yelling! Let me do what we both want." He said kissing my neck. "I don't want this!" I yelled trying to escape his grasp but it was no use. He had me pinned. "Let me go!" I yelled thrashing around. "Shhhh baby girl. I'll make you feel so good you'll forget about Dally." He said kissing me. "Stop!" I said closing my mouth. "No." He said touching me.
"You know you liked it. Don't hide it." He smirked leaving me there. I slid down the wall of the shower letting the water hit my face as tears fell down mixing with the water. "Y/N?" Lexie said coming in the bathroom. "Yeah?" I said hiding my face. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I broke down. I couldn't hide it. "I'm coming in." She said as I wrapped a towel around me. "I noticed Deluca came out of your room soaking wet. But you're in the shower too. Did y'all?!" She asked. I stayed silent crying. "But you're crying. So he came in here and did things that you didn't want." She said drawing her last and final conclusion. I slowly nodded my head and she gasped. "I'm going to kill him. Wait I can't he's already dead. I'll haunt his family." She said pulling me in a hug and finally shutting the water off. "I got you. He's not going to touch you again." She said rocking me back and forth. "Let's put some clothes on and go outside? It might make you feel better. Lexie is still here. She's awake finally. Everyone's outside." Lexie said rambling on. "I want to go to the beach." I said putting clothes on as Lexie closed her eyes. "Do you need someone to come with you? I'm sure Dally will." She said. "I want to be alone right now. Thanks Lex." I said hugging her. "Just let me know if you need anything." She said. "Don't tell anyone. I will when I find the courage." I said before leaving.
I was sitting on the beach and it was so warm out. The water was clear and beautiful. I saw so many fish it amazed me. "It's quite beautiful isn't it." A female voice said behind me. "It is. It reminds me of my friend. She was always so uptight but was just a beautiful human being inside and out." I said talking about Hermione. "Ah. I'm sure I've met her." The female said sitting beside me. "I don't know- Mom?!" I asked looking at her. She smiled at me and we hugged. "I've been here a lot. I've seen you running." She said. "Yeah. It distracts me from whatever is going on in my mind." I said peering out and seeing a school of fish. "That's what I did. With surgery. Distract whatever boy problems I had." She said knowing something was up. "Speaking of. They aren't giving you any trouble are they?" She asked. I had to tell her. I can't just lie to her face. I told her and she looked disgusted. "Andrew wouldn't do that." She said. "He did." I muttered. "Did you notice anything different about him?" She asked. "He had dark circles under his eyes. He hasn't came out of his room since a few days he got here." I said. "His dad had bipolar disorder. He could have it." She said. "Explains a lot." I said shivering. "Now don't get me wrong. What he did to you was absolutely disgusting and I hate him for it." She said putting an arm around me. "Yeah. I should get going. It's my turn to cook." I said hugging her and running back home.
I got back home and it was loud. "Mom! Thank gosh your here. No one here can cook! Please save dinner!" Lexie said with pleading eyes. "Okay." I said messing up her hair. "Go hang outside. I'll deliver it to you guys." I said and she ran off. I had some steak meat thawed out so I made everyone steak. But before I popped open a beer. "Dinner is served." I said giving each person their food. "Are you gonna join us?" My dad asked. "I'm not real hungry." I said drinking the beer. "I'm gonna give this to Deluca." I said as Lexie's face lit up with alert. "I have to use the bathroom." She said getting up. I grabbed his plate and a beer for him. "I'm coming with you." She said close behind me. I just nodded my head. I knocked and set his stuff down leaving with Lexie behind me. "You need to eat." She said grabbing her plate. "So do you." I said pushing it back in her hands. "I can make ramen. You eat the steak." She said. "My appetite is ruined." I said. She just gave me a look of sorrow and ate her food. "Where was Dally?" I asked out of the blue. "He's been outside with Lexie all day." She said finishing her food. "Ah." I said grabbing another beer. "No one heard you Y/N. If you want to blame someone blame Deluca. It's his fault. He couldn't take no for an answer." She said. "No ones been worried about me?" I asked with little hope. "They knew you were at the beach and haven't been feeling yourself so they didn't mention anything." She said as I hung my head low. "I'm gonna drink this and then go to bed." I said and she nodded her head. "I'll lay with you." She said following me up the stairs.
It was now 11 and I heard the door open and close which made me jump. "It's just me Y/N." My dad said. "I saw mom today." I said sitting up. "So did I. Right after you actually. She told me what happened to you. Have you told anyone else?" He asked and I shook my head no. "Well when you at least tell Dally. I'll throw him out and he won't ever touch you again." He said hugging me tightly. We stayed like this for a little and I could feel droplets on my shoulder. "I'll let you sleep. Good night Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow." He said kissing my head and walking out.
It was about 30 minutes later when I had finally gotten back to sleep the door opened and closed again. I sat up groggily and saw Dally changing. I fell back into the bed and Dally walked over to me. "Babe? Is everything alright?" He asked as I had my back turned. "Are you mad at me?" He asked laying beside me. I shook my head no. "Talk to me." He said not noticing the tears sliding down my face. I felt dirty. I felt that he shouldn't love me anymore. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs. "I went for a run this morning like every morning. But I went early and with Juliana. We goofed around and I went to shower and. I'm sorry Dally. I'm so sorry." I said crying harder into my legs. "Hey hey. What are you sorry for?" He asked unaware of the situation. "I tried to stop him. He wouldn't stop. No one heard me yelling for help. I'm sorry. I really tried to stop him." I said. "Did someone touch you?" He asked as I could hear his blood boiling. I nodded my head. "Who?" He asked. "D-Deluca." I said spitting out his name.
It was dead silent for a while. "I'm so sorry." I said. "No you don't have to feel sorry for anything. This isn't your fault." He said pulling me into his warm, muscular chest. "I'm not letting you go again." He said kissing my forehead. "Does anyone else know?" He asked. "My parents and Lexie. Not our daughter. She's too young." I said. "Oh babe. I'm so sorry I haven't been there to protect you at all." He said putting his head on mine. "I love you. Don't you ever forget that." He said lifting my face to look at him. "I love you too." I said looking at him. "Let it out. Everything. Every emotion. Hit me, cry, or do anything. Just let it all out." He said. "I just want to sleep." I said looking at him. "Okay." He said. "I love you." I said kissing him laying on his chest listening to his breathing.

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