Part 53

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Two months later

"Are you packed?" I asked Ponyboy. "Yes. Y/N!" He said rolling his eyes. "Everyone in the car!" I yelled as I picked up Lexie and walked out with Dally. "We're leaving Juliana!" I said as she opened her door. We had a long drive to Florida so we started bright an early. Darry and Soda sat in the front and Lexie sat in between me and Dally while everyone else sat in the back. "Just watch your language around the little one." I said putting my seat belt on.


After we made it to Florida and got checked in we started entering the ship. "Finally. Now we wait for Juliana." I said softly to myself. "We're here!" Juliana said while Draco had Scorpio. We got to our room and I started talking to Dally. "Go have fun with your buddies!" I said throwing him out of the room while Juliana walked in. "Ready to go be the hot moms at the side of the pool?" She said sitting Scorpio on the bed. "I'm always like that what do you mean." I said scoffing. "We're going to the pool ladies!" Darry yelled as the walked off. "And we get to see our husbands shirtless." I said after changing Lexie and putting a hat on her along with sunglasses.


We made it up to the pool and all the guys were in the pool already. "Gosh. We're adorable." Juliana said laying down. "Don't get too cocky." I said laughing as I took my top off revealing a yellow bikini. "Yes mama!" Juliana said hyping me up. "Oh shut up." I said putting my hair in a ponytail and putting sunglasses on. "I'm kinda getting hungry." Juliana said after tanning for a bit. "Guy's Burger Joint has really good burgers. Go get one. I'll watch him." I said. She went to go get a burger and came back fast because shockingly it wasn't crowded. "Oh this is so good." She said taking a bite. "I'm going to go put her feet in the water." I said picking her up and walking to the pool.


I held her hands as I put her feet in the water. "Is that dada? Say hi!" I said pointing to Dally and waving her hand at him. He came over and took her and I got fully into the water as he took her to the gang. "You popped out one beautiful baby." Soda said making faces at her. "Hey Guys!" Draco said with Scorpio and Juliana. "I told you that you had seperation anxiety!" I said pointing in her face. "Get your finger out of my face or I will bite it off." She said sternly. They started going deeper and I got too short for it. "Someone's too short." Juliana said sticking her tounge out at me and I just rolled my eyes. "How am I taller than you?" Ponyboy said laughing. "Y'all are so mean." I said swimming over to Dally. "Need help?" Jackson said standing beside me. "Jackson?!" I said turning around. "I heard about Mark and your dad and I wanted to express my condolences. I also wanted to say that I am sorry for my actions when I was a resident it was very inappropriate." He said. "Oh um. Thanks. It was tragic to say the least. And thanks for apologizing." I said and turned back around. "Buzzkill." Two-bit said. "Two!" Darry smacked him in the back of the head. "He's right." I said struggling to stay afloat. "Just get on my back for pete's sake." Pony said. "Your mommy's a loser." Juliana said to Lexie. "Give her here." Dally said to Pony as he handed Lexie to Darry. "Shortie." Dally said taking me in his arms. "I'm gonna go hang out with Jackson." I said trying to get out of his arms. "Oh no you don't." He said tightening his arms around me. "Someone's jealous." Juliana said laughing. "Can I go get ice cream at least?!" I said trying to wiggle out of his arms. "Yes." He said letting me go and I started swimming to the ladder.


I got a strawberry ice cream cone and Juliana got a chocolate and vanilla cone. "Now we're gonna be the fat moms with the hot husbands." I said laughing. "Cannonball?" I asked her after we finished. "The babies- fine." She said. "Cannonball!" We both yelled jumping in. "You looked hot." I said shrugging my shoulders while Dally wiped the water off of his face. "I always am hot." He said. "That's not-" Juliana said. "You can tell he's a father." Steve said laughing. Suddenly Lexie started crying. "She's done. Gimme her." I said picking her up. I got out of the water and dried her off and she stopped crying. They started playing music and Lexie started to get sleepy so I picked her up and started swaying to the song. Juliana took Scorpio to the dance floor and started dancing with him. Eventually all the guys got out of the pool and took each other to the dance floor. Dally came up to me took me to the dance floor with a sleeping Lexie in my arms and started dancing with me. Ponyboy ended up slipping and falling taking out Johnny who took out everyone else but me and Juliana. "Can we laugh or do we have to make sure y'all are alright." I said laughing softly.

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