Part 62

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When I opened my eyes I was at a hockey rink watching a game. It was weird because there was no one in the stands but me and there was very few people on the ice. I got up out of my seat and grabbed a pair of rental skates on and got onto the ice. "Hello?" I asked confused. "Guys!" A female voice said. "She's not supposed to be here." I heard a male voice say. "What's going on?" I asked. I saw a familiar female come closer to me. "Y/N!" Lexie said engulfing me in a hug. "Lexie?!" I asked shocked. "Where am I?" I asked. "Well. You see." She said as Derek, George, and Mark came emerging closer. "Am I dead?!" I asked frantically but no one responded. "I've missed you." My dad said pulling me into a hug. I was speechless but I still hugged him back. "Little Shepherd!" Mark said opening his arms. We hugged and I went over to George and I hugged him. "The little one is so cute." He said pulling out of the hug. "You're wedding was awesome." Mark said. "You named your daughter after me!" Lexie said. "You broke someone's jaw. I'm proud of you." My dad said. We talked for what seemed like hours when Lexie started to speak. "Gosh I wish we could have you here. But you don't belong here. Look at Dally." She said as a cloud popped up. I saw my unconscious body laying in a hospital bed as Dally and Lexie were crying. My heart immediately shattered. "You need to go back." George said laying a hand on my shoulder. "I miss you guys." I said turning to them. I said my goodbyes and waited.
"Y/N. If you can hear me please wake up. I can't do life without you. Our baby is okay for now. It's risky but I know you would want to carry him to term. He's still in there right now and I hope he stays like that. Please wake up Y/N. Your kids need a mom. And I need my wife." He said through tears. "He's alright?" I asked slowly. Dally looked up and nodded. "You scared the living crap out of me." He said putting his head near mine. "I scared myself too. I saw my dad, Lexie, Mark, and George." I said shielding myself from the light. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Dally said kissing me in between each I love you. "Well good morning sunshine!" Juliana said walking in with Scorpio as I flipped her off. Scorpio stuck his middle finger up too which caused me to burst out laughing. Then my mom came in. "Okay. I need to look at your sutures." She said removing bandages. "Who did them this time?" I asked. "Me." She said concentrating. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I won't tell Avery." She said laughing and winking at me.


I was on my daily stroll when I passed the on-call room and heard noises I wish I didn't. I decided to cheer up this gloomy hospital. I knocked on the door and Juliana answered. "Whatcha doin? Screwing?" I asked trying to not burst out loud. "I'm gonna get you Winston!" She yelled as I rolled as fast as I could down the hallway. Juliana started chasing me in just the bed covers. When I looked back I watched her step onto the covers and fall face first into the ground.


"Hey loser." Dally said as I rolled into the room. "You're back?" I asked. "I'm not offended by that but yes." He said sitting down with Lexie on his lap. "I heard Juliana and Draco doing the nasty." I said as I slowly got in bed. "Need any help?" Dally asked standing up to help me. "No I got it but thanks." I said slowly concentrating on getting into bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked me sitting back down. "Exhausted." I said sighing. "And the delinquent?" He asked putting a hand on my stomach. "He's been active." I said putting a hand on my stomach. "I see that." Dally said as he felt him kick. "Wow. He's running a marathon." Dally said smiling at me. "Look at me like that one more time and I swear I will jump on top of you and do things I can't say in front of my child." I said. "What if I want you to." He said smirking at me. "You guys make me sick." Juliana said. "Do I need to tell you what noises I heard?" I asked. "My baby is fine thanks for asking." She said taking a spot as a teenage boy sat beside her. "This is my little brother Harry." Juliana said. "Oh! Harry Potter!" I said remembering him. "You've met him?" Dally asked. "I treated him once." I said. "Did you say brother?" I asked. "Long lost." She mouthed to me. "So Harry. You still nervous about hospitals?" I asked. "A little." He said quietly. "Have you had any pain in your arms?" I asked motioning toward his cast. "It's mostly itchy but that's it." He said. "That always happened to me when I was in a cast." I said. He just nodded his head. "I'm going to go find my husband." Juliana said walking out. "Well I've never dealt with a teenage boy so um. You can watch whatever you want on TV or anything else." I said handing him the remote. "Oh um thank you." He said taking the remote. Dally gave me his 'I got this' look and handed me Lexie before going over to sit by Harry.
Dally and Harry bonded really well together and then my mom came in the room. "Again?!" I asked slightly annoyed. "I have to. You've lost a lot of blood. I don't want you to loose more and not be able to carry your baby to term." She said as I pulled the blanket down. "Are you having any pain?" She asked. "Only in my knee which is a guarantee." I said as she cut away the bandages. "Bloody-" I heard Harry say. "It's horrifying." I mumbled. "Yeah but this would only happen to us!" My mom said. "You're right." I said as I laid back not being able to stand the sight of it. "I'll give you some morphine to help with the pain." My mom said. "Oh merlin." Draco said with Juliana at the door. "Okay so it should kick in soon. I can take her up to daycare with my kids." My mom said. "Thank you so much. Best mom ever!" I said. "And it's in!" Juliana said. "So what exactly happened to her leg?" Harry asked to Juliana. "I took him from his ex girlfriend because I'm me and she's mad about it. But her dad also killed my dad so I got into a fight with him so she carved the word slut into my thigh and then stabbed a scalpel into my knee cap." I said. "Yeah." Dally sighed obviously not happy about it. "And where were you?" Harry asked Dally. "He was in the same room with me but got shot a few days prior." I said talking for Dally. Bailey was running around frantically along with Deluca, Riggs, Pierce, Karev, Jo, Amelia, and my mom. "Hey! Riggs!" I yelled. "Everything alright?" He asked panicked. "What's all the fuss?" I asked. "Sylvia escaped." Riggs said. "Let me see her!" Juliana said getting up. "No! Let me see her!" I said trying to get out of bed. "No no." Dally said laying me back down. "Right now we have security on high alert." Bailey said. "I can't find them." Deluca said to Bailey. "Call a code. We need to find these kids." Bailey said. "Wait. Deluca! Which kids?" I asked. There was a long pause and Bailey nodded her head at him. "Lexie and Scorpio."

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