Part 73

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In case you've missed the last few hours of my life here's a rundown. Fred and Deluca died, Dally hasn't been talking to me all day, I went for my first run for a while, I swam in the pool with everyone, I'm currently getting sick, and Deluca just declared his love for me as my husband walked into the bathroom. "Y/N?" Dally asked looking between me and Deluca. "Kill me." I muttered. "What did you say?" Dally asked Deluca. "I-" Deluca said as Dally backed him into the wall. "Party's over!" Lexie yelled with a fresh change of clothes. "I'm staying." Dally said. "So am I." Deluca said. "Well she's going to change. Both of you. Out." Lexie said. "She's my wife! I've had sex with her multiple times!" Dally said. "Out." Lexie said pushing him out. "This is a mess. You should have left your drama when you were alive." She said. "I didn't know he loved me!" I said. "It's very clear that all of these boys are in love with you." She said. "Fred isn't. Fred's married. Or was. Whatever." I said getting in the shower to change. "My boring life has excitement!" Lexie said clapping. "I can't tell if I want to pass out, vomit, or get a beer." I said stepping out of the shower in dry clothes. I heard yelling coming from outside. "I'll get your dad and handle the love struck boys." Lexie said walking out. "Break it up you two!" She yelled and I watched her grab both of them by the ear.
The door burst open again. "What's wrong?" My dad asked getting down to me. "I don't feel good." I said as I curled up in the fetal position. "Where's your husband?" He asked getting up. "No please don't. He's probably pissed off at me." I mumbled. "Why would he be pissed off at you." He asked. "Well Deluca declared his love for me as he walked in." I said groaning. "Of course he did. You and your mother have a reputation for crap." He said blowing out a laugh. "How is she?" I asked. "She's been spending a lot of time with Lexie and Juliana. Harry is really tore up about you. Everyone is." He said. "Lexie's been crying. Every night. I heard her say she wants you or Dally to cuddle her." He said. "I hate myself." I said. "No. We do not talk like that. We are Shepherd's. No matter the situation we are not degrading ourselves." He said pushing the hair out of my face. "I left her, dad. High and dry. When she needed me." I said. "You died. You can't help that." He said. "I should have fought harder." I said sniffling. "Too soft." I said getting up. "You fought as hard as you could." He said. "I watched you. The second I saw you slip and get stuck by the fire I knew I'd see you again." He said. I sat up and threw up. "Capitals are playing." He said. I shot up and ran to the outdoor TV.
It was Capitals and Bruins. Close game. "If the Bruins win you both have to wear an outfit I pick out." Mark said. "If the Capitals win. I'll go skinny dipping." Mark said smirking. "Deal." I said sticking my hand out for him to shake it. "COME ON REF! MAKE A BETTER CALL!" I yelled at the TV. "IT WASN'T EVEN INTENTIONAL!" My dad yelled. "Going into overtime!" Mark said rubbing his hands. "Come on! Shift change! Our boys are getting tired! Ice it!" I yelled standing up at the TV. "Breakout!" Mark yelled jumping up as the Bruins were just 1 on 1 with our goalie. "THE BRUINS SCORE! IN OVERTIME!" The announcer yells through the TV. "Bull crap!" I yell walking away. "What was that?!" Lexie said as she was still lecturing Deluca and Dally. "Capitals lost to the Bruins. Now I have to wear whatever Mark picks out." I groan. "I win! You lose!" Mark said dancing through the living room. "Oh shut up will ya!" I yelled throwing a pillow at his face.

"Come out!" Mark yelled with his phone recording. He had me in an inflatable suit where it looked like I was on the shoulders of a leprechaun. My dad had it worse. A Bruins speedo. "My eyes!" I yell covering them at the sight of my dad.
Dally's POV:

He just confessed his love for my wife. MY wife! I had her first. No, I need to stop. She's not property. She's a human being with feelings. "What are you two thinking!" Lexie yelled at us. "Poor girl is watching her family suffer! And this idiot confesses his love to her!" She yells as I snort a laugh. "And you." She said putting her finger in my chest. "Haven't seen her all day. Barley texted her or anything." She says. "Get out of my face before I destroy them." She said turning around. "Y/N?" I ask as I open the door to our room. She was sound asleep curled up on the bed. She groaned as the bed dipped when I sat on it. "Dally?" She asked groggily. "I'm here." I said wrapping my arms around her. She took my arms off of her and my heart dropped. She's never like this. What's wrong with her? "Babe?" I ask. "I'm sleeping on the couch." She said grabbing a pillow and blanket. "Where do you think your going?" I asked grabbing her wrist. She looked at me with bloodshot eyes. She cried herself to sleep. "Why are you crying." I asked her. "I want my daughter." She said gripping the pillow. "Oh Y/N." I said pulling her in my lap. I started thinking. Would she rather be in Deluca's arms or mine? "Y/N..." I asked slowly. She lifted her head up. "Do you love him." I asked scared of the answer. "As a friend." She mutters as I grip her closer. "I'm sorry." She said crying. "What are you sorry for?" I asked confused. "I saw your phone..." She said. "Okay?" I said confused on the problem. "Sylvia has been texting you." She said. I forgot about her. I just ignore her. Honestly, if I see her I might kill her for what she did to my baby. "Do you love her?" She asked and I heard the pain in her voice. "No, of course not." I said a little to harsh. "I hate her guts. If I see her I will loose my mind. The things she did to you were unacceptable and I'll never forgive myself for letting her do that to you." I said. She just pulled me into a kiss and cried. "Go to sleep. I'll be right in bed with you when you wake up darling." I said and waited to her to fall asleep before I put her beside me.
Y/N's POV:

I want to go to the beach."Fred! Let's go for a run!" I yelled. "Why me." He groaned. "It's your day today." I said smiling. "I hate you." He said. "That's not what you said at my funeral." I said putting my hair up. "Let's go to the beach!" I said grabbing him and running. "So what did you do for your little boy problem?" He asked. "Flipped a coin." I said joking. He looked at me shocked. "It was a joke you idiot. I chose Dally. He's my husband and always will be." I said. We got to the beach and there was Juliana and a middle school girl. "Juliana?!" I asked as she perked up. "Y/N?!" She screamed running toward me. She lept in my arms. "Are you dead too?!" I asked. "No. Me and her are in coma's." She said before slapping me and Fred. "Left me with THREE kids and a blonde husband. I hate all of you." She said. "You love us." I said. "Who's that?" I asked not being able to see the girl far away. "Go see for yourself." She said hugging Fred. I started to approach the girl and I could finally make out her features. It can't be her...

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